WHO Hiding Solution for Resistant Killers from You – NATURALLY!

WHO (World Health Organization) now says that there are 12 antibiotic resistant organisms that pose the greatest possible threat to human survival. Plague (the Black Death) is not on the list… yet! [1]

You know that my Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10 PPM is a powerful source of immune support. We verified that when General Bert’s nutrition-super-charged immune system fought the good fight throughout his 158 day hospitalization earlier this year. What you may not know is that when he was in a dirty and dangerous institution called a ‘hospital’ (before we lost him to … what?) he had repeated infections with organisms from every category of WHO’s list. Every single one. That’s what happens in hospitals. Routinely.

His infectious disease doc told me each time that this one would do him in: the antibiotics would likely kill him but if they did not, then the resistant bug would.

I gave him my Nano Silver 10 PPM every single day. Without fail. He left the infection behind every single time. He recovered from multiple antibiotic resistant organisms over and over and over. From pneumonia, from septicemia, from infections in his stomach, his small and his large intestines, over and over and over.

He was very ill so I gave him 4 capsful per day instead of 1 a day for immune support or 2 or 3 per day for current bacterial, viral or parasitic activity.

And the infectious disease guy kept saying, “WOW! Maybe it IS the silver!” but never used it for anyone else. Then one day he said, “Why don’t we stop all the vitamins and silver and see if he [Gen. Bert, my husband and the love of my life] goes bad?” Turn my husband into a little experiment, to see how soon he could die. Horrendous. Informed Consent? Forget about it!.

And that is exactly what the hospital Medical Director did 3 days later, to the laughing amusement of the infectious disease doctor.

Draw your own conclusions. I did and I went to Court, and, with the help of Counsel Ralph and a wonderful NJ/NY lawyer, Neil Grossman, got a unprecedented Court Order to compel the hospital to allow me to continue to feed General Bert. AND give him my Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10 PPM.

He recovered yet again and was transferred to another hospital, where he died, but not from infection.

Now we are facing one or more of what are likely weaponized strains of the Black Death.

I can only imagine that they now are  or soon will be antibiotic resistant. But I know of nothing, NOTHING, that is resistant to my Nano Silver 10 PPM. A strong immune system, nourished by nutrients like Nano Silver 10 PPM, can do what it was made to do: protect you.

In lab tests, the results were what you would want them to be. Even the Lancet, a medical journal not known for its friendliness to our type of advanced health care, published an article in 2013 that showed in the presence of Nano Silver pharmaceutical antibiotics worked ten times better. [2]

I know that in my husband’s body, the deadly organisms that were supposed to kill him quite literally went away when I gave him what I know to be safe and effective immune support: my Nano Silver 10 PPM.

Why do I tell you this now? Because WHO tells us that the [weaponized] [intentionally released] [3] Black Death, in its especially deadly pneumonic form, is spreading rapidly. You need Nano Silver protection on hand. I trusted it with General Bert’s life and I trust it with my own.

Not surprisingly, we are running out of our supply and it is not instantly available from our manufacturer.

I would recommend you get yours right away. The Black Death, in its weaponized, globalized, airborn form, is only a plane ride away from everywhere. We have to protect ourselves and those we love. Order more than you think you need because there will be people to whom you will want to give this gift of life!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

[1] https://www.vox.com/2017/2/27/14750882/deadliest-superbugs-world-health-organization — “Only a handful of new antibiotics have come on the market in the past decade, and health organizations such as the Infectious Diseases Society of America worry that progress on other drugs is ‘alarmingly elusive.'”

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3771099/ – Silver Enhances Antibiotic Activity Against Gram-negative Bacteria

[3] More on Plaguezilla:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/here-comes-plaguezilla-for-real/

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