WHO Comment Deadline is NOW!

Further Information:
Scroll Down for Sample Comment

WHO is trying to take over the world “for you own good”, just as we told you they were doing. * Now, the latest is the terrifying WHO Pandemic Treaty.

“Graciously” WHO has “allowed” us less than a week to submit our written comments. That period expires Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 8 AM Pacific Time. You must act right now! It’s PUSH BACK time again!

We have just enough time to flood their system with strongly worded opposition.

You MUST take action NOW by following the simple instructions below.

That’s not enough, however. If you do not want to live/die under a globalist tyranny of unimaginable proportions. you MUST use Social Media to generate a tsunami of opposition and do it NOW.

Here are the simple instructions.

Will it work? If you do your job and mobilize everyone you can reach to do the same. Push Back Now! Share Now!

This is a bona fide major emergency and response is absolutely necessary if we have even a hope of defeating this ploy.

Good News: our guest tomorrow on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports is James Roguski, the determined and amazing author of the People’s Treaty! You can learn more about the People’s Treaty at www.thepeoplestreaty.org and find James at www.jamesroguski.com.

Here’s how to listen live, or find the archive:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/ost-podcast/

He’s on Substack at JamesRoguski.substack.com. I cannot urge you strongly enough to take these actions and listen to the Dr. Rima Truth Reports with James Roguski Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 6 – 8 PM Eastern.


Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima


Below is an abbreviated version of “The People’s Treaty” that fits the WHO’s 1,250 character limit. Please feel free to copy and paste the text below. Let me know in the comments section if you successfully sent your written submission to the WHO.

Include the following in the Pandemic Treaty:

1. Human rights are inalienable. Governments may not suspend human rights because of “emergencies.”

2. The rights of nations, states, provinces, groups and organizations are subservient to inalienable human rights.

3. The right to try is an inalienable right. Bureaucrats do not have the right to deny potentially life-saving medications to anyone.

4. Bodily autonomy is sacrosanct and must ALWAYS be respected. The right to refuse treatment is an inalienable right.

5. Vaccine status cannot be used to restrict people’s inalienable right to travel, work, seek education or gain access to public spaces or businesses.

6. Lockdowns and/or quarantines of healthy people are wrong.

7. We demand complete transparency. All depersonalized data from all clinical studies should be immediately available to everyone in real time.

8. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. All human beings have the inalienable right to speak their mind in public.

9. All manufacturers, distributors and administrators of health care products and/or procedures must be held liable for any and all damages caused by their products and services.

10. People must have the right to vote to end states of emergency.



* http://www.opensourcetruth.com/who-treaty-to-create-nwo-must-stop-it/

20 thoughts on “WHO Comment Deadline is NOW!

  1. Thank you for the suggested comments. Who has time to read and comment on everything we need to to protect our freedoms. I submitted comments in the form recommended, with minor editing. I appreciate your work. Thank you.

      1. Suppressing truth & freedom is a contradiction in a Democratic society. Infringing on the rights of others is never allowable even under the pretext of protection & service.

  2. Thanks I added comments on China controlling the WHO and the fact that they are human rights violators and a criminal mafia.

  3. Thank you Dr Rima, James and Ralph, for the template and reminder for submission. We forwarded to other like-minded, and at least 10 confirmed submitted.

  4. Do treaties override the Constitution?
    1) Treaties DO NOT override the U.S. Constitution. 2) Treaties cannot amend the Constitution. And last, 3) A treaty can be nullified by a statute passed by the U.S. Congress (or by a sovereign State or States if Congress refuses to do so), when the State deems a treaty the performance of a treaty is self-destructive.

  5. Does anyone really think that any of our comments mean a damn thing to these people? They are bound and determined to create their one world dictatorship – which , by definition, means that the voices of We the People don’t mean a damn thing to them.

    1. Yes, I firmly believe that Push Back works. We’ve succeed several times over the past decades in getting Congress, the FDA, even Codex Alimentarius to modify their anti-health freedom stances. It takes millions of people and it takes persistence.

    2. E Grogan. Your words are those of one who is defeated and who is not even going to try to fight against evil. STOP IT. Or keep your words to yourself. Please don’t bring others down who are trying.

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