The results of an investigation of the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which found extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times, were symbolically unveiled on October 31.
“The most shocking finding of the investigation was that 100% of Covid-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS with identified lot numbers had been caused by just 5% of the batches produced. But the deeply troubling findings don’t end there, because we decided to conduct further analysis of the VAERS data on the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’ve discovered that the majority of the deadliest batches were clearly sent to Republican-controlled red states across the USA.”
Furthermore, “130 different lot numbers of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine distributed to more than 13 states, harmed on average 639 times more people, hospitalized on average 109 times more people, and killed on average 22 times more people than the 4,289 different lt number of Pfizer vaccine distributed to 12 states or less.”
The investigation of VAERS data published October 31st included reports of adverse reactions and deaths within the VAERS database as of October 15th, 2021, the findings of our further investigation into VAERS data include reports of adverse reactions and deaths within the VAERS database as of October 22nd, 2021.
“The same can be seen for the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Ninety-five percent of the lots of Moderna vaccine had zero death reports made against them. Meaning the 2,603 deaths were associated with just 5% of the lots of Moderna vaccine.
Thirteen lot numbers were associated with 41-60 deaths each, 2 lot numbers were associated with 61-80 deaths each, and 1 lot number was associated with 81-100 deaths.
The original investigation of VAERS data also found that specific batches of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines which were distributed to between 13 and 50 states across the USA had an unusually high number of adverse event reports and deaths compared to lots that were distributed to 12 states or less across the USA.”
“As you can see from the above table 4,289 different lots of Pfizer vaccine were distributed to 12 states or less across the USA, recording 9,141 adverse event reports against them alongside 99 deaths and 657 hospitalizations. This equates to an average of 2 adverse event reports per lot and 0 deaths and hospitalizations.
However, a further 130 different lots of Pfizer vaccine were distributed to between 13-50 states across the USA, recording 166,170 adverse event reports, 2,799 deaths, and 14,155 hospitalizations. This equates to an average of 1,278 adverse event reports per lot number, alongside 22 deaths and 109 hospitalizations.
The question is, which states were the deadly lots of Covid-19 vaccine sent to?
A full list of the lot numbers sent to 13 or more states across the USA can be downloaded here. The list displays the number of adverse reactions and deaths associated with each lot number and includes the Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen Covid-19 vaccines.”
As you can see, at first glance it appears as if the deadliest lots of Covid-19 vaccine have been distributed pretty evenly between Republican and Democrat controlled states within the USA, with California, a Democrat controlled state recording the most deaths at 466, followed by three Republican states, Kentucky, Texas, and Florida, recording, 338, 338, and 336 deaths due to either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injections.
However, these numbers need to be put into context in order to understand where the majority of the deadly lots of Covid-19 vaccine were actually distributed to, and to do this we need to know how many people have been vaccinated in each state.
In order to do this accurately we had to include the Janssen viral vector Covid-19 vaccine in the numbers, but VAERS data does also shows that a small amount of batches of the Janssen injection are also responsible for the majority of Janssen vaccine deaths.

So we conducted another search of the VAERS system this time also including the Janssen vaccine alongside both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
The results were as follows –
As you can see the order of States remained the same, showing at first glance that the deadliest lots of Covid-19 vaccine have been distributed pretty evenly between Republican and Democrat controlled states within the USA.
But look what happens when you take into account the number of people vaccinated in each state and calculate the vaccination / death rate –
This investigation of VAERS data reveals several concerning findings that warrant further investigation, but it also leads to questions of why authorities within the USA which are supposed to monitor the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines have not discovered this themselves.
Why is it that certain batches of the vaccine have proven to be more harmful than others?
Why is it that certain batches of the Covid-19 vaccine have proven to be deadlier than others?
Why were the majority of the most harmful and deadly Covid-19 vaccines distributed to Republican-controlled States across the USA?
These extremely serious questions require urgent answers.
Source: thetruedefender.com/uk-investigation-the-deadliest-batches-of-the-covid-deadly-shots-were-somehow-sent-to-all-the-red-republican-states-across-the-usa/
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