- February 10, 2022

U.S. ‘Poised’ To Be First To Give Dangerous Pfizer Shot to Infants and Toddlers
By Children’s Health Defense Team
On Feb. 15, members of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee — each and every one of them riddled with conflicts of interest — will decide whether to authorize the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID shot for infants and toddlers.
A “yes” vote — which media propagandists are positioning as a foregone conclusion — would permit use of the jab in children 6 months through 4 years of age on an “emergency” basis — despite the demonstrable absence of any COVID emergency whatsoever in children, and conversely, considerable potential for both short- and long-term vaccine-related harm.
Political economist Toby Rogers, Ph.D. described Pfizer’s and FDA’s zeal to jab the very youngest as a plan to “shoot up kids first, get the data later” — a crime against humanity that would violate the Nuremberg Code’s prohibitions against illegal medical experiments.
When there is so patently no health rationale for giving children under 5 — or, for that matter, children of any age — the inordinately risky shots, why are government agencies trying to steamroll this next authorization?
One explanation, not made explicit by public health authorities but outed by Rogers and others, is that doing so would lay the groundwork for subsequently folding COVID shots into the childhood vaccine schedule — thereby ensuring “liability protection forever.”
There is a second reason, one with global implications, spelled out Monday by Daily Beast writer David Axe. Axe — whose propaganda role seems to be to serve up regular helpings of fear-mongering hyperbole about the coronavirus and its “turbo-mutations” — grandiosely told readers that “COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 5 Could Change the World.”
Axe’s unsubtle argument is that while the U.S. may be “poised to be the first country to offer the [Pfizer] jabs” to under-5s, “Health agencies all over the world look to the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)] to lead the way when it comes to authorizing vaccines.”
Last September, CNN fretted that “vaccine hesitancy among policymakers” in various countries could pose a barrier to vaccinating younger children. “Do not worry,” seems to be Axe’s confident rejoinder — where the U.S. goes, others will follow.
Early adopters and lockstep authorizations
In 2021, eight countries plus Hong Kong extended the age limit for COVID vaccines downward to children under 5, but only for products made by Chinese firms (Sinopharm or Sinovac) or by Cuba.
Chinese shots were approved for children as young as age 3 in China (June 5); the United Arab Emirates (Aug. 2); Argentina (Oct. 2); Bahrain (Oct. 27); Colombia (Nov. 2); Chile (Nov. 25); and Hong Kong (late November).
Cuba and Venezuela began administering Cuba’s homegrown vaccine to children as young as age 2 in mid-September and early November, respectively.
Significant though some of these markets may be, plenty of market share remains for other companies to capture. As Axe pointedly notes, the under-5 age group represents fully one-tenth of the world’s population.
Pfizer’s COVID shot is already the most widely used in the world — in use in 61 countries versus AstraZeneca’s 41, Moderna’s 27 and less than a dozen for China’s products.
As of late September, with many countries setting COVID vaccination entry conditions for travelers, 124 countries allowed Pfizer-injected individuals to enter.
Pfizer’s product — described by Politico as “the wealthy world’s vaccine of choice” — has made particular inroads in the European Union (EU) and OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) member countries, with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) thus far authorizing Pfizer’s jab for adults and children in lockstep with FDA decisions.
After the FDA on May 10, 2021, okayed the Pfizer injection for 12- to 15-year-olds, the EMA waited less than three weeks before doing the same on May 28.
And when the FDA green-lighted Pfizer’s shot for the 5-11 age group in late October 2021 (ignoring 140,000 comments from members of the public opposed to the decision), the EMA’s committee again took under a month to reach the identical decision.
Europe caves to pressure?
While allowing the jabs in adolescents age 12 and up is bad enough — with an estimated 44% of 12- to 15-year-olds in Europe having received at least one dose by early December 2021 — Euronews suggested some EU nations were concerned about rolling out the vaccines in children under 12, debating the need to inject healthy children and worrying about heart problems and other adverse events.
According to Euronews, “The EMA acknowledged that the limited numbers in the studies involving children meant that they could not detect rare side effects.”
Apparently, the EMA’s Nov. 25, 2021 recommendation to give the Pfizer Comirnaty jab to 5- to 11-year-olds dissolved those concerns.
With the exception of Sweden, all EU member nations have now authorized the Pfizer shots: Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria (which has the distinction of being the EU country with the lowest COVID vaccination rate); Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark (reported, as of early February, to be “reconsidering”); Estonia; Finland; France (which requires permission from both parents); Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Netherlands; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; and Spain.
At the moment, Sweden is holding off, stating on Jan. 28 that it “want[s] to see a clear benefit for the children themselves and the individual child” rather than vaccinating “a whole group of children for the sake of society.”
On Nov. 30, Slovenia banned use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID injection in adults after it caused the death of a 20-year-old.
Non-EU countries in Europe are mostly in alignment with EU nations, with Norway and Switzerland also rolling out shots to children as young as 5. Norway says it is offering the jabs to children “where parents and guardians want it.”
In the United Kingdom (UK), news outlets reported in late November 2021 that the National Health Service had “secret plans” to vaccinate 5- to 11-year-olds beginning in the spring. According to the news accounts, “Health bosses [had] been sworn to secrecy at the spring campaign, with officials concerned the move could spark a backlash from some parents.”
As of early February, the incremental rollout had begun, with public health officials in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales promoting the COVID jabs for “vulnerable” 5- to 11-year-olds.
Commonwealth nations like Canada and Australia have also authorized Pfizer’s shot for children as young as 5.
Compliance and coercion in Latin America
Many other countries and regions have jumped on the bandwagon to vaccinate young children not at risk, including Latin America.
Costa Rica and Ecuador made the vaccines compulsory for children from age 5, with Costa Rica’s National Children’s Trust stating it “will intervene to mandate vaccines if parents or guardians object.”
Children as young as 5 or 6 are also receiving shots in countries like Bolivia, El Salvador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, with the latter bribing young kids with “colorful cartoon characters,” books and ice cream.
In the Dominican Republic, which decided in January to give COVID vaccines to children age 5 and up starting on Feb. 7, citizens are saying no, gathering in “Independence Park” to protest the Dominican State’s participation in “coercive globalism.”
A brief account in Dominican Today on Feb. 4 asserted the Dominican Republic also plans to inject children under 5 with one of China’s vaccines.
In Mexico, where the government took the position for most of last year that evidence was lacking to justify vaccination of minors, a state court handed down a ruling in late October 2021 stating it would report the Health Ministry to the federal Attorney General’s Office for contempt if the Ministry did not, within five days, “modify the national vaccination policy to include all minors between 12 and 17.”
Although the Ministry vowed to challenge the court order, in mid-November 2021, the deputy health minister announced Mexico would start offering Pfizer’s shots to youth aged 15 to 17, a surprise move that Mexico News Daily characterized as an “about-face.”
In Brazil, according to Reuters, the health regulatory agency reported receiving “death threats over possibly approving vaccinations for children over five.” By mid-December 2021, the Pfizer shot had been approved for 5- to 11-year-olds anyway.
A globally coordinated campaign
Mainstream media have repeatedly ridiculed leaders such as Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro for daring to raise questions about COVID vaccine safety and the merits of lockdowns or the validity of PCR testing.
In August 2021, Bolsonaro — who is running for reelection this year — alluded to the possibility of assassination, perhaps cognizant of the suspicious deaths of other world leaders who died after pushing back against aspects of the COVID narrative.
When Bill Gates began making the rounds in 2020 as a cheerful front man promoting “vaccinating the world,” it may have seemed to some like improbable puffery.
Two years later, however, with economic point persons like Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Kristalina Georgieva-Kinova pronouncing vaccines the world’s “most important” economic policy, it is difficult to deny there is a global vaccination agenda that has nothing to do with health.
In early August 2021, not long after Georgieva-Kinova’s heavy-handed vaccine pronouncements, the U.S. Treasury handed the IMF a windfall of $650 billion for “currency aid.”
Shortly thereafter, Belarusian President Lukashenko turned down hundreds of millions in “COVID Relief Aid” offered by the IMF and World Bank because of the strings attached — including the imposition of “extreme” lockdowns and police-state measures.
Observers and activists have, for decades, decried the IMF’s and World Bank’s history of “exploitation and coercion and outright blackmail” of indebted nations.
Is it any coincidence that immediately after the IMF approved the release of a $1 billion loan tranche for Pakistan on Feb. 3, the South Asian nation set its “highest daily vaccination records” for COVID shots three days in a row, administering a record two million doses in a single day and launching a door-to-door campaign “to reach all citizens”?
At this juncture, with the FDA on the brink of allowing Pfizer shots to be given to babies, we must recognize the criminality of what is happening and hold officials and institutions accountable.
As Dominican physicians who are currently protesting their country’s policies stated, “vaccinating children” — and, we should add, adults — is “an abuse, a crime and genocide.”
Source: www.newenglandnationalreview.com/health/u-s-poised-to-be-first-to-give-dangerous-pfizer-shot-to-infants-and-toddlers/