(World Council for Health) – The World Council for Health launched September 22, with a clear-cut mission to provide the latest unbiased scientific guidance as collected from around the world. This doctor-led guidance is to help the public make the best health decisions. It kicked off September 22 with a comprehensive evidence-based guide on how to manage COVID-19 at home.
The World Council for Health is an umbrella coalition, starting with 45 health-focused groups from around the world. They will provide refreshingly honest medical leadership during the covid health emergency and for many other matters of health now and into the future.
In stark contrast to the constant stream of alarming messages fed to the public by governments and other institutions, the World Council for Health offers much hope.
“There are many things that people can do to stay healthy,” said Dr. Tess Lawrie, from the U.K., who is part of the steering group for the World Council for Health.
She added, “The World Council for Health will give you the best and latest expert guidance to prevent and manage COVID-19 safely at home. By providing people with the information and treatments they need and desire to take charge of their health, the World Council for Health intends to drive out the prevailing climate of uncertainty and fear.”
The COVID treatment guide is the first of many in an ambitious plan to produce regular and authoritative guides covering a myriad of health topics. These will be easily accessible in their new website just launched.
Other members of the founding steering group explain their diverse motivations in establishing the World Council for Health as a force for good in the world.
Dr. Tracy Chandler, from New Zealand Doctors Speaking out on Science (NZDSOS), was unequivocal on the urgent need for an independent health agency.
“The World Council for Health will not be another bureaucratic organisation with big donors and private industry ties. It will be transparent and inclusive, inviting public participation and providing practical advice that respects people’s individual health choices. The World Council for Health will innovate corporate governance and transparency by holding public meetings.”
One of the World Council for Health’s fundamental principles is to is to build trust with the public. Confidence in public institutions has been eroding, so The World Council for Health has established itself to be completely independent of governments, pharmaceutical companies and other financial and political stakeholders. In this way the council is free to promote factual and effective health care advice.
“At no time in history has the freedom to choose been so important. However, to make informed choices, one needs information you can trust. The Council’s job is to bring you this information.” added Dr. Naseeba Kathrada of the Caring Healthcare Workers Coalition in South Africa.
“Today’s launch is just the first step. Our fresh approach will transcend national borders” predicted Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, South African founder of Transformative Health Justice and International Legal Alliance for Health.
Source: www.lifesitenews.com/news/transparent-global-health-advisory-body-launches-to-provide-factual-and-effective-advice-for-covid-19/