Tonight’s Unmasked Crusaders Podcast

Dr. Rima’s Truth Reports

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Dr. Rima’s Unmasked Crusaders podcast tonight (6 PM EST) guest is Rabbi Michoel Green, a Chabad Rabbi whose Congregation is losing its accreditation for opposing vaxx mandates. Let’s all support him by tuning into the podcast.

Watch the Livestream at:

Or here is link to how you can listen over PeopleforPeople Ning Network

Dr. Rima’s communications with Rabbi Green:

Dear Rabbi Green,

I am the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. We support what we understand of your position about the dangerous experimental COVID-19 vaccines and would welcome the opportunity to interview you on our weekly radio show, the Dr. Rima Truth Reports.

We broadcast live as a podcast on Tuesdays, 6-8 PM on and simultaneously livestream the video component on our YouTube channel.

If you visit, our news aggregation site, you will see that we strongly endorse your position about civil liberties, masking and the dangers.  On our eCommerce site,, we make available 2 Advance Directive Cards, one, the Advance Vaccine Directive, asserts the right of Informed Consent (valid in every country which has ratified the Geneva Convention) and the other, the Advance Sanitary Masking Directive, asserts your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act of the US to refuse to wear a mask.
It would be our pleasure to interview you. My co host, Counsel Ralph Fucetola, and I would be delighted to discuss your position and your experiences in a supportive context.
The interview is conducted on Skype and is, of course, recorded so you can share it widely as we will.
I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you. I am currently living in Arizona.

With congratulations for your honesty and bravery in standing up to the enormous forces arrayed against the reality of the situation I am,

Yours in health and freedom,

 Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Good morning Dr Rima

Thank you for reaching out.
I’d be honored to participate.
Do you mean tomorrow evening at 6pm?
Rabbi Michoel Green
Chabad of Westborough


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