FDA has authorized COVID-19 vaccines for infants

First, a few days ago, an advisory panel voted unanimously in favor of the vaccines for this age group. Now the FDA, as expected, has followed suit.
There’s still another hurdle. The CDC must also recommend the shots. And then Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, has to accept the recommendation.
Think kangaroo court. Think rigged election. It’s all a foregone conclusion. Even though the recommendation’s not yet official, the government is poised and ready with 10 million doses to jab into tiny babies’ thighs, according to STAT News.
This is so wrong on so many levels that it’s making me sick to my stomach. If you’re a thinking person, if you’ve spent five minutes reading the scientific literature, if you’ve talked to your friends and family members about their side effects from these vaccines, you feel nauseous too.
How can a baby tell you her heart hurts?
It wasn’t enough to cause myocarditis, pericarditis, bell’s palsy, Guillain-barré, thrombocytopenia, tinnitus, and sudden death in teens and young adults, now we have to cause all of this and more in six-month-old babies too?
For what reason? To prevent what is a mild and benign viral infection in children?
But there’s the rub: The vaccine that the FDA just recommended does not even protect infants against COVID. With all the data manipulation going on, the numbers are still dismal.
According to STAT:
”In clinical trials of children 6 through 23 months of age, the Moderna vaccine was 50.6% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19, the FDA said. Among participants 2 through 5 years of age, it was 36.8% effective.”
How can such low efficacy rates be acceptable?
Imagine a medication to help regulate insulin levels or prevent unwanted pregnancies that was only 37% effective. Would you feel confident taking it?
But, it seems, the vaccines make up for what they lack in effectiveness by causing side effects.
Also according to STAT:
“Both vaccines can cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, achiness, irritability, and decreased appetite. The Pfizer vaccine appeared to cause fevers somewhat less often than the Moderna vaccine, although indirectly comparing clinical trials can be misleading and the FDA made no claims in its announcement directly comparing the tolerability of the two vaccines.”
Fever, fatigue, aches and pains, irritability, and lack of appetite might seem like “mild” side effects for adults. But for six-month-old babies side effects like these can quickly escalate into serious, even life-threatening health issues.
Let’s call a spade a spade. As Dr. Joe Wang, a molecular geneticist and former vaccine developer, and I said in a recent article: giving COVID-19 vaccines to children is criminal and must be stopped.
Parents, it’s on you now. Do not go along with this charade. Do not allow a doctor or a nurse or anyone else to jab a needle in your child’s thigh.
Those 10 million doses that Joseph Biden has at the ready?
The only place they should go is in the trash.