Veggies Take Bodybuilder To New Heights, Not Only In Terms Of Gains, But In Wiping Out His Terrible Cystic Acne Too
You don’t often hear about vegan bodybuilders. Sure, the “cut” diet–the part of bodybuilding where you lay off of lifting heavy and eat to lose fat–typically involves broccoli. But most bodybuilders also eat a remarkable–and remarkably boring–number of chicken or turkey breasts for a few weeks as well.… Read the rest
Tag: vegetable diet
Rebel With A Cause: How Appealing To Teenagers’ Rebellious Side Can Have Healthy Dietary Outcomes
Rebel Rebel, Don’t Eat Those Fries: How Appealing To Kid’s Rebellious Nature Can Help Their Nutrition
Ah, the rebelliousness of youth. No matter how many years removed we are from our teen angsty years, we all probably remember–with the odd internal cringe–our rebellious times. Back when we knew with the utmost certainty that not only were our parents wrong, wrong, wrong about everything, but that there was no way in a million years any of us were ever going to turn out like them.… Read the rest