Shocking Proof: Japanese Doctor Presents Proof of HPV Vaccine/Chronic Fatigue Link
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The results are in, whether or not Big Pharma and its cheerleaders want to admit it: something is very wrong with the HPV vaccination.
We can reach this conclusion not only be honestly examining the shady, shortcut process by which the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix were pushed through the approval process at the Centers for Disease Control.… Read the rest
Tag: Vaccination
Shocking New Testimony From Former U.S. Military Servicemembers: The Government Tried To Test an ANTHRAX Vaccine On Them!
From the ‘What Were They Thinking’ File: Shocking New Testimony Reveals U.S. Government Tried To Test an ANTHRAX VACCINE on Military Servicemembers
The reports of government malfeasance regarding the vaccine wars never seem to stop. From the revelations of the film “Vaxxed” to the CDC’s own constant dribble of misinformation that is constantly being proven false, there is no shortage of shocking, disturbing news surrounding vaccines.… Read the rest
Promised Nationwide Debate In France Over Vaccinations Turn Sour: Critics Say It’s Just Pro-Vaccine Propaganda
Nationwide French Debate Over Vaccinations Has Devolved Into Pro-Vaccine Indoctrination Attempt
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“To open up a can of worms.”
That’s a wonderful English language saying that is a bit difficult to translate. It’s just one of those weird, idiomatic phrases that English speakers from certain regions grew up with, and thus understand in their bones.… Read the rest
Massive Atlanta Rally In Support Of The CDC Justice Or Else Movement Featuring R&B Performer Tony Terry
Performer Tony Terry To Headline CDC Vaccine Justice Or Else Rally
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A weekend-long rally in support of the CDC Justice Or Else movement kicked off last night in Atlanta, featuring the talents of R&B superstar Tony Terry. The rally is designed to raise awareness of the risks of vaccines and to raise funds for its efforts to combat the emerging prevalence of autism in children, which is significantly higher in African-American male children.… Read the rest
Colombia latest nation to step up in the fight against poisonous HPV vaxx
Injured Colombian girls latest victims to stand up and fight in criminal HPV vaxx scheme
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is in the news once again as communities in Colombia are demanding explanations for a group of HPV vaccine-injured girls there. In a Bogota hearing the girls told of fainting spells, muscle weakness and pain after their HPV vaccinations.
The Ministry of Health and the Secretary of Education of Bogotá began a program of official vaccination days in schools throughout the city in early 2013, administering the vaccine to thousands of children and adolescents.… Read the rest
More Machinations Around “Vaxxed” In The Wake Of Bring Pulled From Deniro’s Film Fest
“Vaxxed” Controversy Never Ending! Outrage Continues As Government Officials Try To Quash Groundbreaking Film
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“Censorship” is a word a lot of people throw around haphazardly, without actually understanding what it really means. For instance, if you are the host of a television show and your broadcaster/boss decides it doesn’t want you on its payroll anymore, that’s not censorship.… Read the rest
Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations
The Indoctrination Has Just Begun: Oncology Group Calls For More HPV Vaccination Push
Vaxx Freedom Action Item, USA:
There’s nothing like having a captive market. When you control a commodity that everyone needs–or better yet, one that everyone is forced to buy–you are sitting in the catbird seat, as they say. That’s why monopolies were outlawed: cartels like Standard Oil and their partners controlled the entire market and could thus dictate prices and conditions to the world.… Read the rest
Idaho: Let Pharmacists Give Vaccines to Kids as Young as 6. Dangers? Not Important
Backers of the bill note that Idaho has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, and they argued that by allowing pharmacists to perform the procedures on younger children, rural families would be better served.
One of the dissenting Senators, Republican Sherry Nuxoll argued that she wasn’t comfortable with the depth of the language contained in the bill regarding the content of the consent forms parents would be signing. She worried that there wasn’t going to be enough information regarding possible health risks caused by vaccinations and immunizations.
GlaxoSmithKline Fined Over Irregularities in Argentine Vaccine Trials, 14 Babies Dead
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Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been fined Argentinian 400,000 pesos on the heels of a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) for “irregularities” during laboratory vaccine trials that were conducted in 2007 and 2008 on a pneumococcal vaccine. The experiments allegedly resulted in the deaths of 14 babies.… Read the rest
Idaho: SB 1294 Lowers age of children who can get vaccinated by pharmacists
Clearly the State believes it owns your children and is doing everything it can to subvert parental rights. Equally clearly, you can push back by pounding legislators and other decision makers with a hail of emails refusing to allow these violations.
Our human rights & health freedoms are being destroyed. Our control of our children's bodies and our own are being ripped from our hands unless we stop this insanity now.