We Have the Means for Vaccine Victory In Our Hands
But We Are Presiding Over Total Defeat
An Open Letter to All Health Freedom Advocates
From the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Advance Vaccine Directive:
Dear Health Freedom Advocates:
Our side is losing the Vaccine Battle and therefore, whatever else we might succeed at, our side is losing the entire Health Freedom Battle. … Read the rest
Tag: Vaccination
Congress Considering Punishing States that Do Not Force Vaccines
Violating Informed Consent is a
Crime Against Humanity
The Nuremberg Code requires actual voluntary Informed Consent for all medical interventions, including vaccination:
“… voluntary consent… is absolutely essential… the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”[1]
Members of the Congress of the United States now seek to effectively abrogate this International Law of Informed Consent through the “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2019” — HR 2527.[2]… Read the rest
Electing an Informed Consent President
Let’s Elect an Informed Consent President!
Assert Your Right to Informed Consent
Election season is upon us in full swing. But no one, not a single Presidential hopeful, has EVER addressed what General Bert Stubblebine called “the Defining Issue of the 21st Century”: Informed Consent. Here is our Petition to the White House:
The defining issue of the 21st Century, the Right of Informed Consent, is so far absent from political discussion in the United States.… Read the rest
Chaos, Canute and the Measles “Outbreak”
Tell the King to Stop Vaxx Madness
We all know the ancient story of King Canute who was so displeased by his courtiers excessive praise, likening him to a powerful god, that he brought them all to the seashore where he had a throne placed at the water’s edge. There he sat and commanded the tide to stop. It, of course, did not. … Read the rest
One Hundred Years Later: Lessons Not Learned
The Great 1918 Flu Pandemic and Vaccine Voodoo Pseudoscience
One Hundred Years Later: Lessons Not Learned
Dr. Rima Recommends™ Nano Silver 10 PPM eBook
This is the 100th Anniversary of the Great Influenza Pandemic.
“Between 50 and 100 million people are thought to have died, representing as much as 5 percent of the world’s population. Half a billion people were infected.… Read the rest
The Good Doctors
Big Pharma: Afraid of You and Truth!
Vax Madness Reveals Big Pharma Fear
Many doctors are on the take, big time. Pediatricians with “fully vaccinated” patient loads make huge amounts of bonus money from vax makers and more than half of their income is from injecting pus and poison into those young patients.
How are such bribes even legal?
Because Big Pharma campaign contributions (the real interference in the elections) buys government power for drug company profits.… Read the rest
As School Year Set To Begin, Utah And Other States Finding Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing, Cite Education As Key Motivating Factor
Education Is The Key: Utah And Other States Find Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing; Both Sides Cite Education
As the new school year is upon us, more and more stories are coming out about vaccinations and the kids whose parents refuse to get them vaccinated prior to starting class.
Many parents cite reasons ranging from religious objections, to health objections–for instance if a child has an allergy that could be triggered by a vaccine–and also personal objections.… Read the rest
Thanks But No Thanks: Polls Show Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines
Despite Marketing And Health Authorities Push, Polls Find Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines
You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: http://TinyURL.com/VaccinationISViolation
A recent ABC story took a decidedly sour tone recently when reporting on the decline in parental support for mandatory HPV vaccines, citing poll numbers that show a clear trend toward people preferring to opt out of the vaccine if they so choose, or at least to have the option.… Read the rest
Why Are You Pushing, Doc? Eight Reasons Your Doctor Insists On Giving Your Child Vaccines
Some Common Reasons Your Doctor Pushes For Vaccines–And Some You May Not Know About
We are taught from a young age to trust doctors. Like the images of friendly policemen and noble firemen, doctors are usually portrayed in our collective consciousness as kindly, benevolent characters who only went into medicine out a strong desire to help humanity.
Unfortunately, while there are of course many doctors who fit this stereotype, they are just as human as the rest of us.… Read the rest
California Lawmakers And Their Pretzel Logic: Do Vaccines Protect People Or Not? Dr. K.P. Stoller weighs in on convoluted thinking in cali
Confused in California: Dr. K.P. Stoller Weighs In On California State Vaccine Regulation Pretzel Logic
There is a war going on in California right now, and if you didn’t already know about it, that may be because–like most of our modern, far-off wars–we like to think that unless it is right in our faces we have no stake in it.
Nothing could be further from the truth.… Read the rest