Thanks But No Thanks: Polls Show Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines

Thanks But No Thanks: Polls Show Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines
Despite Marketing And Health Authorities Push, Polls Find Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: A recent ABC story took a decidedly sour tone recently when reporting on the decline in parental support for mandatory HPV vaccines, citing poll numbers that show a clear trend toward people preferring to opt out of the vaccine if they so choose, or at least to have the option.… Read the rest

Thanks For Nothing: 56 Pennsylvania Kids Contract Whooping Cough–All Were Vaccinated

Thanks For Nothing: 56 Pennsylvania Kids Contract Whooping Cough–All Were Vaccinated
Philadelphia-Area County Has Massive Outbreak Of Whooping Cough–All Kids Who Were Vaccinated Against It You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: There are certain things it is only reasonable to expect: when you go to a water park in the summertime, you expect there to be water. If there isn’t, it might be fair if you were a little miffed.… Read the rest