The above is what I get whenever I try to moderate comments on www.opensourcetruth.com.
The Man thinks OST is a dangerous site! Well, I should certainly hope so!
The Man has all kinds of information it wants to lock away and hopes you NEVER come to realize what ‘he’ has been doing, is doing now and has in store for those of us ‘he’ decides have enough use to ‘him’ to allow us to live, although in teeny-tiny dwellings under the total control of Agenda 20/30, vaccinated and cowed enough to serve ‘his’ every whim.… Read the rest
Tag: truth
Medical “Truths” Drop Like Flies, Vaxxers Fail to Notice
The above is an annotated image taken from my email box today. As a physician, I get updates on advances in many areas of medicine and science. The number of scientific FAILS was typical: 6 out of 10 items documented that the science of yesterday was wrong. W. R. O. N. G. and tomorrow, 60^ or so of the science of that day will be wrong and so on every day.… Read the rest