Report: Working In The Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety

Report: Working In The Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety
The Metaverse is headed for a huge fail as workers already experience nausea, intense eye strain and anxiety, revealing the physical, emotional and mental toll. If this is the effect on adults, just imagine the horrors it will inflict on youth. Humans are not designed to live in a fake reality created by Transhuman dreamers. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood By: Lucas Nolan via Breitbart According to a recent report, volunteers who spent a week working in a virtual-reality environment similar to the metaverse proposed by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook reported more anxiety, lower productivity, and suffering from migraines.… Read the rest

FCC Provides $9 Billion to Telecoms for Rural 5G Rollout Despite 5G Lawsuits, Opposition and Warnings

FCC Provides $9 Billion to Telecoms for Rural 5G Rollout Despite 5G Lawsuits, Opposition and Warnings
December 7, 2019 By B.N. Frank   Even though The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is NOT a health or environmental agency they are supposed to protect the public by regulating the telecom industry.  Unfortunately, they have NOT been protecting the public since long before the Trump administration.  The “Race for 5G” has made this much more dangerous. People and pets have already been getting sick where 5G has been turned on This isn’t surprising since doctors and scientists have warned that 5G exposure is NOT safe. … Read the rest

Technocracy’s High Tech War Is Just As Effective as Rockets, Bullets, Tanks

Technocracy’s High Tech War Is Just As Effective as Rockets, Bullets, Tanks
Technocracy News reported: The object of war is to kill or maim as many people as possible, by whatever means. However, outright killing is often less efficient than wounding because more of the enemy’s resources are consumed in caring for the wounded than burying dead bodies. The overall goal of war is to conquer and subdue a people. In the process of conquering, the enemy must be psychologically and physically broken to the point that they give up their will to fight and their will to assert self-determination.… Read the rest