WEF Says Smartphone Tech Will Be Incorporated Into Your Body -Enter: Neuralink, 6G, VR Holograms, Metaverse

WEF Says Smartphone Tech Will Be Incorporated Into Your Body -Enter: Neuralink, 6G, VR Holograms, Metaverse
By Keean Bexte Speaking in Davos at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, Nokia CEO and WEF agenda contributor Pekka Lundmark said that smartphone tech will be incorporated into human bodies by 2030. When asked about it, Lundmark said, “First of all, it will definitely happen. I was talking about 6G earlier, which [will happen] around 2030. I would say that by then, definitely, the smartphone as we know it today will not be the most common interface.”… Read the rest

Are Smartphones Giving All Of Us The Symptoms Of ADHD? Recent Study Suggests The Distraction Problem Might Be Worse Than We Thought

Are Smartphones Giving All Of Us The Symptoms Of ADHD? Recent Study Suggests The Distraction Problem Might Be Worse Than We Thought
From Butt Dialing To Phantom Vibrations: How Smart Phones Giving Us All The Symptoms Of ADHD? One Study Says Yes. There is a game some friends play when they go out to eat together: everyone at the table has to put his or her cell phone in the center of the table face down at the beginning of the evening. Dinner proceeds as normal, drinks, appetizers, entrées–the only difference is the conversation is uninterrupted by people constantly checking their phones, texting, calling, or posting political rants on social media sites.… Read the rest