Monkeypox Renamed for Shingles? COVID-19 Vaccines Increase Risk of Shingles by 4,925%

Monkeypox Renamed for Shingles? COVID-19 Vaccines Increase Risk of Shingles by 4,925%
  BY THE EXPOSÉ According to a scientific study published in 1988, it’s virtually impossible to distinguish between monkeypox and chickenpox. And chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body. And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.… Read the rest

WA to Require Dangerous, Unnecessary Chickenpox Vax for High Schoolers.

WA to Require Dangerous, Unnecessary Chickenpox Vax for High Schoolers.
End Vaccine Mandates Here: Although Washington State Department of Health has issued a new vaccination requirement for all High School students in both public and private high schools saying they must have two doses of chicken pox vaccines before the start of the new school year they have given no indication that they intend to take responsibility for the dangers, deaths and costs associated with their irrational policy.… Read the rest