US Supreme Court Declines Bayer/Monsanto Bid To Challenge Glyphosate Cancer Rulings

US Supreme Court Declines Bayer/Monsanto Bid To Challenge Glyphosate Cancer Rulings
The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear a bid from Bayer-owned Monsanto that aimed to challenge thousands of lawsuits claiming its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer – a potentially costly ruling, AFP reported Tuesday. The high court did not explain its decision, which left intact a $25 million ruling in favor of a California man who alleged he developed cancer after using the chemical for years.… Read the rest

Court Sides in Favor of Petitioners; Overturns EPA Decision that Glyphosate (in Roundup) is Safe for Humans, Imperiled Wildlife

Court Sides in Favor of Petitioners; Overturns EPA Decision that Glyphosate (in Roundup) is Safe for Humans, Imperiled Wildlife
  Thanks to the petitioners who took legal action, the EPA must now re-evaluate glyphosate’s risks.   From Sustainable Pulse: US Appeals Court Forces EPA to Reassess Glyphosate on Health and Environmental Impact In a historic victory for farmworkers and the environment on Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sided with Center for Food Safety (CFS) and its represented farmworker and conservation clients by overturning the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision that the toxic pesticide glyphosate is safe for humans and imperiled wildlife.… Read the rest

Forbes retracts attack on paper showing link between glyphosate and cancer

Forbes retracts attack on paper showing link between glyphosate and cancer
22 February 2019 Forbes has pulled an article by Geoffrey Kabat attacking the new meta-analysis confirming a link between glyphosate and a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). The American business magazine, has long been the platform of choice for defending Monsanto’s products and attacking the company’s critics. It was on Forbes that article after article appeared attacking Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini’s study, which found harmful effects from Monsanto’s GMO maize and Roundup herbicide, shortly after its publication in 2012.… Read the rest

Monsanto Glyphosate Study Determines That Glyphosate Is Perfectly Safe. Thanks For Clearing That Up.

Monsanto Glyphosate Study Determines That Glyphosate Is Perfectly Safe. Thanks For Clearing That Up.
Monsanto-Funded Glyphosate Study Graciously Informs The World That Glyphosate Is Completely Safe. Oh they just won’t stop trying, will they. Monsanto is in the news again–aren’t they always?–and this time it isn’t about their proposed merger with Bayer, a troubling development not only to the German government, but also to anyone who thinks food and the means to feed ourselves shouldn’t be controlled by a handful of mega-corporations.… Read the rest

Sweet Turned Sour: Honey Turns Up With Deadly Toxin In Every Sample Tested By FDA

Sweet Turned Sour: Honey Turns Up With Deadly Toxin In Every Sample Tested By FDA
No Sugar Pie Honey Bunch: FDA Discovers Deadly Toxin Present In EVERY Honey Sample It Tested You may have heard about the pervasive Chinese network of honey manufacturers using eastern European countries as fronts for shipping counterfeit and shoddy product into the United States undetected. Much of the sketchy honey from China also has been found to contain heavy metals, banned antibiotics and other adulterants.… Read the rest

Roundup Ingredient May Kill Human Cells: And You Thought Glyphosate Was Bad

Roundup Ingredient May Kill Human Cells: And You Thought Glyphosate Was Bad
Roundup Ingredient May Kill Human Cells: And You Thought Glyphosate Was Bad It’s been two decades since glyphosate sales really hit their stride, with products like Monsanto’s Roundup taking the lead in the herbicide wars. And although its taken a long time, finally the news seems to be out that glyphosate is a dangerous chemical, not only to humans who prefer not have cancer, but also to honeybees, butterflies, fish, birds and life on earth in general.… Read the rest

Monsanto Encourages Farmers To Use New Seeds Resistant To Powerful New Herbicide, Causing Widespread Destruction

Monsanto Encourages Farmers To Use New Seeds Resistant To Powerful New Herbicide, Causing Widespread Destruction
Death And Destruction Follow In Their Wake: Monsanto Ruining Farmers Crops By Encouraging Illegal New Herbicide Use If there were ever a company you could count on to do the wrong thing, it would be Monsanto. The fact that there is one single corporate entity responsible for so much damage–saccharin and its cancer-related problems, PCBs and the global spread of human and animal damage they have caused and are still causing as municipalities struggle to clean them up, Agent Orange, genetically-modified crops and the glyphosate and other chemicals they require to live being spread by the billions of tons around the world–the fact that it hasn’t been put down like a rabid dog speaks to the insanity of the current system under whish we live.… Read the rest

Forcing Open The Door: How Monsanto Bullied Its Way Into Nigeria And How Poor Farmers There Are Bound To Suffer As A Result

Forcing Open The Door: How Monsanto Bullied Its Way Into Nigeria And How Poor Farmers There Are Bound To Suffer As A Result
Monsanto Finally Bulls Its Way Into Nigeria: Corporate Bully To Take Over African Nation’s Ability To Feed Itself As Was The Plan All Along There are some takeovers that are overt and as bold as bold can be. The German army’s Blitzkrieg strategy of overwhelming much of Europe with its tank strength is an example that everyone could witness as it was happening.… Read the rest

E.U. To Allow Sale Of Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready Soybeans, Shocks Millions Who Opposed The Move

E.U. To Allow Sale Of Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready Soybeans, Shocks Millions Who Opposed The Move
Betrayal at the E.U.: Commission Approves Sale Of Monsanto’s Gmo Roundup Ready Soybeans In a surprise move the E.U. Commission has approved the sale of Monsanto’s genetically modified soybeans, after extended debate over the use of the company’s signature herbicide Roundup delayed approval for months. Environmental groups and food safety organizations expressed their dismay as the company continued to roll over governmental bodies around the world in order to push its products on people who don’t want them.… Read the rest