How Smart Is Smart? Using An MRI To Quantify Human Intelligence

How Smart Is Smart? Using An MRI To Quantify Human Intelligence
IQ Testing And Beyond: How Science Is Making Use Of MRI Technology To Quantify Human Intelligence Imagine a conversation among dog owners as to whose breed is the smartest. The owner of the bloodhound might say his dog is smartest, due to the breed’s ability to hunt down prey unerringly. But the owner of the border collie might attempt to claim the prize based on her breed’s ability to herd sheep and take non-verbal commands.… Read the rest

LSD Combined With MRI Technology: A New Road For Psychiatrists Into How The Mind Functions

LSD Combined With MRI Technology: A New Road For Psychiatrists Into How The Mind Functions
“Psychic Opening:” New Study Unlocks Brain’s Secrets Using MRI Technology–And LSD If you’ve ever seen the move version of “Woodstock,” you probably remember the wildly gyrating hippies throwing themselves about in the mud, the sagging and drooping tents, the garbage strewn across Yasger’s farm in the aftermath. What you may or may not remember is the announcement about the brown acid.… Read the rest