Glyphosate Lawsuits Gaining Momentum: Motion Filed To Lump 21 Separate Suits Into One Case

Glyphosate Lawsuits Gaining Momentum: Motion Filed To Lump 21 Separate Suits Into One Case
Roundup Time For The Roundup Cases: Glyphosate Suits Over Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma To Be United Under One Case With 21 lawsuits currently pending in cases where plaintiffs claim that exposure to glyphosate caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a motion was filed with the U.S. Judicial Panel to unite the cases to be heard in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Illinois.… Read the rest

Forcing Open The Door: How Monsanto Bullied Its Way Into Nigeria And How Poor Farmers There Are Bound To Suffer As A Result

Forcing Open The Door: How Monsanto Bullied Its Way Into Nigeria And How Poor Farmers There Are Bound To Suffer As A Result
Monsanto Finally Bulls Its Way Into Nigeria: Corporate Bully To Take Over African Nation’s Ability To Feed Itself As Was The Plan All Along There are some takeovers that are overt and as bold as bold can be. The German army’s Blitzkrieg strategy of overwhelming much of Europe with its tank strength is an example that everyone could witness as it was happening.… Read the rest

E.U. To Allow Sale Of Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready Soybeans, Shocks Millions Who Opposed The Move

E.U. To Allow Sale Of Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready Soybeans, Shocks Millions Who Opposed The Move
Betrayal at the E.U.: Commission Approves Sale Of Monsanto’s Gmo Roundup Ready Soybeans In a surprise move the E.U. Commission has approved the sale of Monsanto’s genetically modified soybeans, after extended debate over the use of the company’s signature herbicide Roundup delayed approval for months. Environmental groups and food safety organizations expressed their dismay as the company continued to roll over governmental bodies around the world in order to push its products on people who don’t want them.… Read the rest

If At First You Don’t Succeed: as Roundup’s Usefulness Declines, Monsanto To Team Up With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide

If At First You Don’t Succeed: as Roundup’s Usefulness Declines, Monsanto To Team Up With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide
Well That’s Just Super: Monsanto To Partner With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide–To Combat Super-Weeds Its Own Roundup Has Created You know what they say, if at first you don’t succeed, spray, spray again. Or something like that. At any rate that seems to be the philosophy of the brainiacs at Monsanto. The agri-chem giant has announced a partnership in which it will work with rival DuPont to create a super-herbicide that will be able to fight against so-called “super-weeds” that have developed a resistance to Monsanto’s flagship herbicide Roundup.… Read the rest

The Round-Up On Roundup: Here’s A Summary Of All The Latest Info on GMOs and Glyphosate Research

The Round-Up On Roundup: Here’s A Summary Of All The Latest Info on GMOs and Glyphosate Research
What You Need To Know: The Fight Against GMOs and Glyphosate Continues. Arm Yourself With Information The new DARK Act just passed by the Senate is a blow against the wished of 90 percent of Americans who want to know what’s in their food. But the fight is far from over. And we don’t win if we don’t fight, and we can’t fight if we aren’t informed.… Read the rest

Monsanto ‘Faked Scientific Data:’ More Heat For Agri-Chem Giant As Former Executive Speaks Out

Monsanto ‘Faked Scientific Data:’ More Heat For Agri-Chem Giant As Former Executive Speaks Out
More Cracks In The Monsanto Façade: Former Company Exec Drops Bomb Claiming Faked Data In Order To Gain Regulatory Approval And the trickle of bad news on Monsanto turns to a stream, then a river, then a flood. It seems the company–despite employing an army of PR flacks and a second, covert army of scientist/flacks who are tasked with cranking out refutations of any and all science that contradicts the company line–just can’t seem to catch a break.… Read the rest

Judge Serves Up A Hot, Steaming Cup Of Justice To Monsanto: Rules In Favor Of Coffee Grower Who Blames Roundup On Her Cancer

Judge Serves Up A Hot, Steaming Cup Of Justice To Monsanto: Rules In Favor Of Coffee Grower Who Blames Roundup On Her Cancer
One Lump Or Two: Judge Rules Against Monsanto In Coffee Grower’s Case Blaming Roundup For Her Cancer Score one for the good guys. In the face of Monsanto’s ongoing assault on human health and that of the planet itself, in which the company employs malleable scientist-sockpuppets loyal to its cause (and money), fights tooth and nail through easily-bought senators against consumers’ right to know what is in our food, and admits it employs an entire department devoted to countering any science that contradicts their pro-GMO party line, a rare win was recorded in a Hawaii courtroom the other day.… Read the rest

Glyphosate Battle Is Over In The EU, But The War Continues: EU To Allow Glyphosate Sales For 18 More Months

Glyphosate Battle Is Over In The EU, But The War Continues: EU To Allow Glyphosate Sales For 18 More Months
Euros Grant Stay Of Execution For Glyphosate: Sales To Be Allowed To Continue For 18 More Months, Sure To Remain A Contentious Issue The European commission has granted glyphosate a stay of execution for another 18 months, as the member states failed again to vote on an extension of the permit allowing it to be sold across the Union. Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis said that the extension would be granted in order to allow time for further studies to examine claims that it is a carcinogen and dangerous for use as both an industrial weed-killer as well as a consumer product.… Read the rest

Monsanto In Conflict With Government Of Argentina Over Royalties Collected On Its GMO Seeds

Monsanto In Conflict With Government Of Argentina Over Royalties Collected On Its GMO Seeds
Monsanto Shows Its True Colors: Demands Royalties On Second-Generation Seeds From Struggling Farmers In Argentina Don’t you just love that moment in a movie or television show when the shady guy, the sketchy one whom you have grown to love to hate over the course of the program finally is revealed to be the dirtbag he truly is for all to see?… Read the rest

What Won’t They Think Of Next? Monsanto Scientists Find A Way To Alter Insects Rna By Spraying Plants

What Won’t They Think Of Next? Monsanto Scientists Find A Way To Alter Insects Rna By Spraying Plants
Monsanto Using RNA Spray To Alter The Genetic Makeup Of Insects, Seeks To Get Plants To Do The Same On Their Own. File under: Jesus Christ, here they go again. The evil geniuses at Monsanto have come up with yet another novel way to disrupt life as it has existed on this pale blue ball for billions of years, this time not by creating a laboratory-birthed crop seed, but by actually altering the genetic makeup of pest insects through a spray applied to crops.… Read the rest