Assert Your Right to Informed Consent!
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation
July 17, 2020
Gates-connected companies are being allowed to produce poorly tested, gene-modifying vaccines laced with nano technology to create irreversible brain/body/AI links. Whether YOU want them or not!
Do they “work” to prevent disease? Dr.… Read the rest
Tag: Mind Control
Sci-Fi Mice: Mouse Study Shows How Memory Can Be Manipulated With Alarming Implications
Mousing Over Your Memories: Futuristic Study Shows How Memories Can Be Manipulated In Mice
In the Phillip K. Dick short story “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale,” which was later adapted into two film versions of “Total Recall,” an ordinary clerk living in the near future longs to visit Mars, a tony vacation destination he can’t afford on his salary.… Read the rest
Preventing Dementia: Tips For Keeping Your Brain Sharp That Can Help You Stave Off Mental Decline That Comes With Aging
Preventing Dementia And The Mental Ravages Of Aging Is Possible: Some Ways To Keep Your Mind Sharp And Focused
The bad news is we’re all getting older. And with aging, it has long been believed, mental decline is inevitable.
But the good news is that we learn more about how to alleviate these effects every day. And the more we learn, the more scientists are coming to believe that there is something to the idea that exercising the mind as if it were muscle is vital to keeping a fully functioning brain–and that it is possible to keep your mind healthy and lucid far into the golden years.… Read the rest
Canceling the God Gene With a Thought Control Spray, Courtesy Pentagon
...for the last eight years a group of government scientists have been working on a project to engineer viral vaccines designed to alter thoughts and beliefs in the U.S. populace and beyond. This insane mind control vaccine would change one's religious beliefs, according to the video, changing fundamentalism to disgust. In the clip, a lecturing scientist purports that his group of Pentagon scientists, by infecting the brain and suppressing genetic expression of certain neurological cells, have developed a way to control and change the way people think, down to theor most personal and integral beliefs.
Dick Cheney Corrupted “Independent” Report of CIA Torture, Murder, MKUltra 1997
Rockefeller Commission documents show then-White House aide Richard Cheney heavily edited the commission’s report over objections of commission members.
Dick Cheney has not engendered much admiration during his time in public life.snarling, bile-spewing politico, aka America’s Undertaker, aka Vice-President Big-Time (the name given him by George W. Bush) aka Darth Cheney (a nickname the former vice president is said to enjoy) has long been known as a secretive, ruthless peratchnik who would make Machiavelli blush at the brazenness of his machinations.… Read the rest