Summer of Zika: What Can You Believe? WHAT CAN YOU DO?

Summer of Zika: What Can You Believe? WHAT CAN YOU DO?
What’s Wrong with this Picture? Quite a Lot, Actually. Holistic MD Discloses Government Zika Pesticide Birth Defect, Cancer Risks Say NO to Human Experiments on You and Your Neighborhood! This brief report on Zika and pesticide spraying in Florida is a condensed version of a longer, scholarly article available without cost here: Special Report by Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation Report Published 11 August 2016 by the Institute for Health Research Special Report Excerpts: ZIKA in Florida.… Read the rest

Aussie Mom Says Baby Has Whooping Cough Because She Did Not Vaccinate. Wanna Buy a Bridge?

Aussie Mom Says Baby Has Whooping Cough Because She Did Not Vaccinate. Wanna Buy a Bridge?
An Unidentified Mother Hold a Motionless Baby with Pertussis Allegedly Because She Did Not Vaccinate While Pregnant with a Vaccine NOT Tested or Approved for Safety and Associated with Serious Birth Defects and Other Adverse Events. Oh, and Which Affords Precious Little Protection. The Video Appears on the Government Website. Notice Anything Wrong Here? And If Anyone Watching the Video Sees the Baby Take a Breath, Please Let Us Know In the Comments Section.