By Bob Unruh | June 25, 2022
Journalists by large numbers are more liberal than conservative.
The worldwide Associated Press long promoted an LGBT journalists’ association to its employees, while at the same time declining to even mention an organization for Christian journalists.
Now the BBC has been caught instructing its journalists to promote the LGBT ideology.
The Christian Institute reports the broadcaster is “advising journalists to use their influence to advance the LGBT agenda.”… Read the rest
Democratic Lawmaker Suggests Mandatory ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ for All K-12 Students
The Senator posted this picture with #BDSM
A California state senator suggested making “drag queen story time” a public school requirement.
Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener, whose district covers San Francisco, tweeted his comment after Texas state Rep. Bryan Slaton announced that he was filing a bill that would prohibit children from attending drag shows, according to Fox News.
“This guy just gave me a bill idea: Offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum,” Wiener tweeted.… Read the rest
Amazon’s woke ‘Pride Month’ strategy backfires instantly
By Grant Atkinson | June 2, 2022
Company’s own employees staged protest
Amazon learned the hard way on Wednesday that no amount of political pandering will ever be enough to satisfy the radical left.
According to Business Insider reporter Katherine Long, Amazon was attempting to host a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate “pride month.”
However, Long said a subset of about 30 Amazon employees expressed dissatisfaction with the company’s wokeness level.… Read the rest
Marines move from looking for ‘a few good men’ to rainbow bullets
By Bob Unruh | June 1, 2022
Military promotes LGBT agenda online
The U.S. Marines have used a number of “tough-guy” slogans over the years.
From “looking for a few good men” and “the few, the proud, the Marines” to “We don’t promise you a rose garden.”
They even once adopted a slam that, according to lore, the Germans during War War I created to identify the U.S.… Read the rest
Pizza Hut Features Book About “Drag Kids” Aimed at Children in Pre-Kindergarten
By Cristina Laila | Published June 3, 2022
Get woke, go broke.
Pizza Hut featured a book about “drag kids” as part of its reading incentive program aimed at children as young as pre-kindergarten.
A book about drag kids titled “Big Wig” was promoted to children as young as 4.
The book celebrates little boys who perform for adults while dressed in wigs, heavy make-up and dresses.… Read the rest
PRIDE in Illogic? No, Thanks
The following article makes a great deal of sense to me. I believe that people should be encouraged to find love wherever it is available to them so long as the rights of others, especially the vulnerable, are fully protected.
Neither hetero or homo sexuality should be imposed on children. Rape , sexual force or unaccepted sexual domination of any person is totally unacceptable.… Read the rest
There’s a Dark Secret Hiding Behind Mattel’s New Transgender Barbie
To America’s fawning liberal public, Mattel’s new transgender Barbie doll celebrating transgender celebrity Laverne Cox is a sign of how much it embraces all segments of society.
But when it comes to actually making the doll, Mattel relies on a nation where the liberal LGBTQ agenda is illegal in some places and frowned upon in others.
Breitbart noted the dissonance between the public image and private reality in quoting Mattel’s praise of Cox.… Read the rest
Transgender Pioneer Defies Current Trans Agenda, Warns Parents Everywhere
Even a pioneering transgender activist thinks the modern trans movement has gone too far with transitioning children, warning parents of the dangers of therapies and the laxity of care in an interview with Fox News.
Buck Angel, a woman who says she never felt female and began transitioning 30 years ago, told the network that when she began undergoing procedures, there were gatekeepers to ensure an individual was stable and certain about their gender identity.… Read the rest
MLB Team Will Be Funneling Money to Groups That Support ‘Gender Transition’ Surgeries for Kids
By Warner Todd Huston | May 28, 2022
Major League Baseball continues to go too far. In Detroit, the Tigers are now funneling donations to organizations that push radical transgender ideology.
The Tigers are paying homage to the left with a special “Pride Night” game on Wednesday and have joined forces with a long list of left-wing organizations to virtue-signal that they are on board with the LGBT agenda.… Read the rest
Progressives blast Bill Maher as ‘transphobic’ for saying it’s ‘trendy’ to be LGBTQ, Tweets calling for Maher to be sentenced to death
PAUL SACCA | May 21, 2022
Bill Maher dared to discuss the sacred cow of transgenderism – instantly causing progressives to attack the liberal talk show host.
During Friday night’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the HBO host discussed a Gallup poll about the increase of Americans identifying as LGBT.
The survey found, “The percentage of U.S. adults who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or something other than heterosexual has increased to a new high of 7.1%, which is double the percentage from 2012, when Gallup first measured it.”… Read the rest