Iran: Biometric IDs Roll Out With Digital Food Rationing Amid Food Riots

Iran: Biometric IDs Roll Out With Digital Food Rationing Amid Food Riots
? Iran set to be the first country to roll out food rationing scheme based on biometric IDs. Vaccine passports were not a wild success but food passports will be eagerly accepted by hungry people unable to afford inflated food prices. This is the actualization of  the Rockefeller/UN/WEF  agenda to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.”… Read the rest

Every Man in Iranian Village Executed on “Drug Charges” Gov’t Admits by Accident

Every Man in Iranian Village Executed on “Drug Charges” Gov’t Admits by Accident
Iran’s Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi, admitted that every man in Sistan andBaluchestan (province) was executed on drug charges. was arguing for increased provision for convicts’ families when she made the admission to the Mehr news agency saying, “Today their children are potential drug traffickers; either because they will seek revenge for the deaths of their fathers or because they will need to financially provide for their families, as a result of lack of support by the government.”… Read the rest