27 of top 30 Universities are Increasing Tuition Again After COVID-era Rate Hikes

27 of top 30 Universities are Increasing Tuition Again After COVID-era Rate Hikes
By Allie Simon and Emily Fowler 27 of America’s top 30 universities are raising tuition and fees for the next academic year. All 30 universities have raised prices at least once since the 2019-2020 academic year, which coincided with the COVID-19 outbreak in America. That school year aligned with the spring 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. A Campus Reform analysis of 2019-2022 tuition figures from U.S.… Read the rest

Iran: Biometric IDs Roll Out With Digital Food Rationing Amid Food Riots

Iran: Biometric IDs Roll Out With Digital Food Rationing Amid Food Riots
? Iran set to be the first country to roll out food rationing scheme based on biometric IDs. Vaccine passports were not a wild success but food passports will be eagerly accepted by hungry people unable to afford inflated food prices. This is the actualization of  the Rockefeller/UN/WEF  agenda to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.” https://www.activistpost.com/2022/05/iran-digital-food-rationing-rolls-out-using-biometric-ids-amid-food-riots.html… Read the rest

Brexit Broke It! Globalist Bashed But What About You?

Brexit Broke It! Globalist Bashed But What About You?
There are untold uncertainties about how the British exit from the EU will play out. One thing is sure, though: gold wins. Dollars, Euros, Yen, Yuan, Drachma and Pesos lose. But Gold wins! So what’s a regular person to do while the globalist plans for hegemony get pushed back? While you celebrate, buy gold. As much gold as you can afford. Maybe a bit more.

Protection for the Little Guy When the Big Guys Take the World Economy Down

Protection for the Little Guy When the Big Guys Take the World Economy Down
Bottom line: Micro Gold is Maxi Protection Against Currency Failure: www.NaturalSolutionsGold.com is an innovative way to ride the tide of financial chaos. You know currency chaos is coming.  You know that it will be hard on the little guy and you know full well that the big guys will do very, very well while ordinary people suffer and succumb, allowing the “Great Ones” to impose whatever conditions they wish to, giving or withholding food, shelter, necessities.… Read the rest