Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On

Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On
Avoiding Pesticides and Herbicides: Ten Foods You Absolutely Must Buy Organic By now we have all heard about Monsanto and its anti-environmental, genetically-modified crops. And as horrible as Frankenfood is, what’s possibly even more dangerous about the agri-chem company is the wild overuse of its signature herbicideRoundup. The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, which the World Health Organization has listed as probably cancer-causing.… Read the rest

Bill that would outlaw labeling of GMO products to reach Senate floor this week

Bill that would outlaw labeling of GMO products to reach Senate floor this week
If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.” –Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994 In this day and age, we are so very fond of our apocalypse tales. From zombies to meteors to tidal waves to alien invasions–it’s almost as if we can’t wait for the end of the world to arrive.… Read the rest

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval
France and a growing chorus of other EU countries are preparing to just say no to Monsanto and its toxic herbicide Roundup in a way that could make a real dent in the agrichem corporation’s bottom line. A recent vote set to determine whether the EU would re-approve the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, on crops throughout the union has been postponed.… Read the rest

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display
Not a day goes by without some politician or another doing something utterly hypocritical. It is increasingly apparent that anyone who goes into politics isn’t actually a human, but rather a person-shaped alien who is lacking the gene marker for what we earthlings call “shame.” But with the passage of the SAFE Act–the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act–through the Senate Agriculture committee, Americans are one step closer to not being able to know what GMOs are in our food.… Read the rest

Students protesting coal ash dumping in Virginia rivers arrested

Students protesting coal ash dumping in Virginia rivers arrested
A group of students protesting a Richmond, Virginia utility dumping coal ash into local rivers were arrested last week during a sit-in at the regulatory agency’s office, as the battle over state regulation of the dumping practices heats up. The seventeen college students who were arrested are part of a group called the Virginia Student Environmental Coalition. The group’s demands include calls for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to revoke the permits that currently allow Dominion Resources to dump coal ash wastewater into local rivers.… Read the rest


MRI Technology May Open New Insights Into How LSD Can Be Used Therapeutically “Psychic Opening:” New Study Unlocks Brain’s Secrets Using MRI Technology–And LSD if you’ve ever seen the move version of “Woodstock,” you probably remember the wildly gyrating hippies throwing themselves about in the mud, the sagging and drooping tents, the garbage strewn across Yasger’s farm in the aftermath. What you may or may not remember is the announcement about the brown acid.… Read the rest


Teflon Chemical Proving Quite Sticky: Found In Numerous Us Drinking Water Sources DuPont’s Teflon Making A Comeback, But Not The Kind You Want: Pfoa Turning Up In Drinking Water Sources Worldwide Remember Teflon? The miracle non-stick cooking surface that spawned a thousand cheap imitators that would peel and flake out of the pan within a week? Well the perfluorinated chemical used to make it is turning out to be surprisingly sticky, in terms of its ability to hang around in the environment.… Read the rest

Higher Vit. D3 Associated with Better Joint Function in Elderly -> Better Mental Status

Higher Vit. D3 Associated with Better Joint Function in Elderly -> Better Mental Status
Vitamin D3 is an essential health promoter for many of those issues often associated with advancing age: decreased immune function resulting in infections and cancer, decreased mental prowess and dementia, decreased bone health and decreased joint function. As allopathic doctors do not understand and Advanced Medicine ones do, each part of the body and its function has enormous impact on every other part.… Read the rest

VW 2009-2015 Emission Lies Cost 117K Life-Years in US, Europe

VW 2009-2015 Emission Lies Cost 117K Life-Years in US, Europe
What’s Your Life Worth? Not Much, According to VW Execs Who Ordered Emissions Computers Set to Read Low on Diesel Cars from 2009 to 2015 When Fraud Was Discovered. A new study predicts that 117,000 life-years have been, or will be lost, 44,000 in Europe and 73,000 in the US because of the additional 526,000 tons of nitrogen oxide released into the atmosphere beyond the legal limit set for diesel motors.… Read the rest