Film ‘Transgenic Wars’ Connects The Dots On The Consequences Of Genetically Engineered Food Around The World

Film ‘Transgenic Wars’ Connects The Dots On The Consequences Of Genetically Engineered Food Around The World
Global Consequences And Connecting The Dots On Gmos: Independent Film ‘Transgenic Wars’ Makes A Huge Impact When we talk about the problems with genetically modified crops and their effects on humans and wildlife, we often end up talking in very abstract terms. There is the honeybee die-off, likely caused by the ubiquity across the U.S. of Monsanto’s glyphosate-laden Roundup. Then there are the numbers, the crop acres that are devoted to growing GMO soy and corn in the U.S.,… Read the rest

Indigenous Groups In Mexico Win Victory Over Monsanto, Biotech Giant Has GMO Soy Permit Suspended

Indigenous Groups In Mexico Win Victory Over Monsanto, Biotech Giant Has GMO Soy Permit Suspended
Monsanto Loses Key Battle Against Mexican Indigenous Groups Over Planting Its GMO Soy It’s difficult to overstate just how fiercely the game is rigged in favor of the powerful and wealthy. Just in case you weren’t paying attention: in 2008 Wall Street got bailed out of a mess of its own making to the tune of trillions of dollars while millions of Americans got nothing and lost their homes; the Supreme Court ruled that unlimited money is allowed in political contributions, and Big Pharma continues to make headlines by continuing to gouge the sick, as evidenced by the latest, the EpiPen scandal and its 600 percent price hike.… Read the rest

They War On Weeds And Going Nuclear, Monsanto-Style: How The Agri-Chem Company’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is Actually Not Going To Help Farmers At All

They War On Weeds And Going Nuclear, Monsanto-Style: How The Agri-Chem Company’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is Actually Not Going To Help Farmers At All
Dicamba And Monsanto’s War On Weeds (And On Everybody): How The Agri-Chem Giant’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is The Terrifying New Nuclear Option If you know anything at all about Monsanto, you know the company has a history of inventing products, then doing just enough–in-house testing, and hiring of friendly outside researchers, making political payouts, and doing some regulatory arm-twisting–to get its products to market, without worrying too much about long-term consequences.… Read the rest