The Casualties From The Sellout Of Organic Groups To Anti-GMO Labeling Concerns Continues

The Casualties From The Sellout Of Organic Groups To Anti-GMO Labeling Concerns Continues
GMO Labeling Sellouts And The Damage They’ve Caused: Organic Trade Association Grows Smaller Following Their Betrayal The dust has settled somewhat on Congress’ recently passed renewed DARK Act, the anti-anti-GMO labeling bill that was hastily, crudely crafted to overrule any state’s attempt to provide consumers easy access to information on genetically modified foods in their products. However, the fallout continues to take its toll on the Organic Trade Association as yet another manufacturer has quit in protest of the group selling out.… Read the rest

Forcing Open The Door: How Monsanto Bullied Its Way Into Nigeria And How Poor Farmers There Are Bound To Suffer As A Result

Forcing Open The Door: How Monsanto Bullied Its Way Into Nigeria And How Poor Farmers There Are Bound To Suffer As A Result
Monsanto Finally Bulls Its Way Into Nigeria: Corporate Bully To Take Over African Nation’s Ability To Feed Itself As Was The Plan All Along There are some takeovers that are overt and as bold as bold can be. The German army’s Blitzkrieg strategy of overwhelming much of Europe with its tank strength is an example that everyone could witness as it was happening.… Read the rest

Bill that would outlaw labeling of GMO products to reach Senate floor this week

Bill that would outlaw labeling of GMO products to reach Senate floor this week
If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.” –Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994 In this day and age, we are so very fond of our apocalypse tales. From zombies to meteors to tidal waves to alien invasions–it’s almost as if we can’t wait for the end of the world to arrive.… Read the rest