California Role: UC-Davis Tries To Cover Up Its Role In GMO Research In Tandem With Big Agrichem Corps
Funny thing about open records requests: when they pertain to something potentially embarrassing or illegal, they suddenly become much, much harder to comply with.
That is the situation consumer rights activist group U.S. Right to Know has found itself up against in an ongoing fight with the University of California at Davis over records pertaining to the university’s close ties with big agrichem giants like Monsanto and work the university’s employees may or may not have done on genetically modified crop research.… Read the rest
Tag: gmo crops
Monsanto Encourages Farmers To Use New Seeds Resistant To Powerful New Herbicide, Causing Widespread Destruction
Death And Destruction Follow In Their Wake: Monsanto Ruining Farmers Crops By Encouraging Illegal New Herbicide Use
If there were ever a company you could count on to do the wrong thing, it would be Monsanto.
The fact that there is one single corporate entity responsible for so much damage–saccharin and its cancer-related problems, PCBs and the global spread of human and animal damage they have caused and are still causing as municipalities struggle to clean them up, Agent Orange, genetically-modified crops and the glyphosate and other chemicals they require to live being spread by the billions of tons around the world–the fact that it hasn’t been put down like a rabid dog speaks to the insanity of the current system under whish we live.… Read the rest
They War On Weeds And Going Nuclear, Monsanto-Style: How The Agri-Chem Company’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is Actually Not Going To Help Farmers At All
Dicamba And Monsanto’s War On Weeds (And On Everybody): How The Agri-Chem Giant’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is The Terrifying New Nuclear Option
If you know anything at all about Monsanto, you know the company has a history of inventing products, then doing just enough–in-house testing, and hiring of friendly outside researchers, making political payouts, and doing some regulatory arm-twisting–to get its products to market, without worrying too much about long-term consequences.… Read the rest
After Two Decades Of Alarming Growth, GMO Crops Decline For The First Time
For the First Time In 20 Years The Number Of GMO Crops Dropped. What Happened?
In many ways there has never been a better time to be on the side of organic, non-GMO food. The GMO wars have certainly amped up in recent months, as the forces of Monsanto and the big food manufacturers who avail themselves of their products have been dealt a couple of tough defeats recently.… Read the rest