Well That’s Just Super: Monsanto To Partner With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide–To Combat Super-Weeds Its Own Roundup Has Created
You know what they say, if at first you don’t succeed, spray, spray again.
Or something like that. At any rate that seems to be the philosophy of the brainiacs at Monsanto. The agri-chem giant has announced a partnership in which it will work with rival DuPont to create a super-herbicide that will be able to fight against so-called “super-weeds” that have developed a resistance to Monsanto’s flagship herbicide Roundup.… Read the rest
Tag: Glyphosate
Glyphosate Battle Is Over In The EU, But The War Continues: EU To Allow Glyphosate Sales For 18 More Months
Euros Grant Stay Of Execution For Glyphosate: Sales To Be Allowed To Continue For 18 More Months, Sure To Remain A Contentious Issue
The European commission has granted glyphosate a stay of execution for another 18 months, as the member states failed again to vote on an extension of the permit allowing it to be sold across the Union.
Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis said that the extension would be granted in order to allow time for further studies to examine claims that it is a carcinogen and dangerous for use as both an industrial weed-killer as well as a consumer product.… Read the rest
You’ll Never Guess The Percentage Of California Wines That Tested Positive For Glyphosate. Hint: Start High. Real High.
That’s One Kind Of Test You Don’t Want To Ace: 100 Percent Of California Wines Tested Positive For Cancer-Causing Glyphosate
Everyone had those certain subjects in school, the ones where you would take tests and, no matter how much you studied, you could only pray you might get lucky and hit something like 75 percent.
These are tests where a 100 would be cause for celebration.… Read the rest
A Green Party Stunt To Draw Attention To The Ubiquity Of Glyphosate Shows That 48 Members Of European Parliament Had Glyphosate In Their Urine
Shocking Rate Of Glyphosate Found In Urine Tests Of 48 Members Of European Parliament–100 Percent Of Those Who Were Tested.
Recently a group of members of the European Parliament volunteered to take a urine test to see if glyphosate was in their system, and the results were illuminating to say the least.
The ubiquitous herbicide that was recently designated by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer as “probably carcinogenic to humans” has recently been found in German beer, California wine and a host of food products.… Read the rest
Nebraska Farmers Stricken With Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma File Lawsuit Against Monsanto For Lack Of Labeling On Roundup
Nebraska The Latest Battleground In The War Against Glyphosate: Four Farmers Sue Monsanto Over Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma-Roundup Link
The latest salvo in the war against glyphosate has come straight out of corn country, the agricultural heartland of the US, where most people are expected to lean pro-pesticide, pro-herbicide, pro-whatever it takes to increase crop yield in the increasingly challenging life and career of a farmer.… Read the rest
Glyphosate Found In Numerous Products, Debate Heating Up Over Quaker Oats
Latest Product Found To Contain Glyphosate Quaker Oats; Consumer Group Sues Over False ‘Natural’ Claims
As more and more scrutiny gets paid to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, we’re jut starting to find out how pervasive it is. The chemical, found last year by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to be a “probable carcinogen” has turned up in German beer, California wine, and now in Quaker Oats.… Read the rest
An Alarming New Study Shows That Glyphosate Has Infiltrated Breakfast Cereal, Soy Milk And More
Monsanto Strikes Again: GMO Weed Killer Glyphosate Found In Non-GMO Foods, Soy Milk
There are times when it feels really good to say “I told you so.” Then there are times when it is little more than cold comfort. This is one of the latter.
A disturbing new study is out that should make anyone who is not yet fully convinced of the threat and danger that allowing genetically modified crops to become mainstream represents take note–and immediately go to your kitchen pantry and start tossing some things out.… Read the rest
Fungicides May Cause Damage To Brain, Mimic Effects Of Autism, Neurodegenerative Disorder
This Is Your Brain On Fungicides: How An Increasingly Common Crop Treatment May Be Damaging Us Worse Than We Thought.
Its getting harder and harder to keep up with all the chemicals that are sprayed on our food sources. Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup herbicide has been in the news lately as scientists learn more and more about the damage it can do to humans and the ecosystem as a whole.… Read the rest
Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On
Avoiding Pesticides and Herbicides: Ten Foods You Absolutely Must Buy Organic
By now we have all heard about Monsanto and its anti-environmental, genetically-modified crops. And as horrible as Frankenfood is, what’s possibly even more dangerous about the agri-chem company is the wild overuse of its signature herbicideRoundup.
The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, which the World Health Organization has listed as probably cancer-causing.… Read the rest
France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval
France and a growing chorus of other EU countries are preparing to just say no to Monsanto and its toxic herbicide Roundup in a way that could make a real dent in the agrichem corporation’s bottom line.
A recent vote set to determine whether the EU would re-approve the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, on crops throughout the union has been postponed.… Read the rest