Neonicotinoids: The Toxic Pesticide That’s Killing Bees and Threatening Global Food Security

Neonicotinoids: The Toxic Pesticide That’s Killing Bees and Threatening Global Food Security
Scientists say neonicotinoids (“neonics” for short), a highly toxic and widely used family of pesticides, is killing off bees and other pollinators — and threatening ecosystem health and food security. By  Courtney Lindwall Around the world, bees and other pollinators are dying off in droves, with potential long-term impacts on ecosystem health and food security. Scientists are now pointing to a highly toxic and widely used family of pesticides known as neonicotinoids (“neonics” for short) as a primary culprit.… Read the rest

Two-Thirds: Alarming Study On Alarming Levels Of Carcinogens In U.S. Tap Water

Two-Thirds: Alarming Study On Alarming Levels Of Carcinogens In U.S. Tap Water
The more things change the more they stay the same, at least that’s what they say. And in the case of the carcinogen found in U.S. tap water that was made famous in the film “Erin Brockovich,” that certainly seems to be true. For nearly two-thirds of Americans, chromium-6 is a daily fact of life. It’s the deadly carcinogen that spawned the lawsuit at the heart of the Erin Brockovich case in which residents of Hinkley, California sued and won against Pacific Gas & Electric for its culpability in poisoning the area’s groundwater.… Read the rest

A Shocker: EPA Actually Takes Steps To Protect The Environment, Halting Sales Of Bayer’s Toxic Insecticide Belt

A Shocker: EPA Actually Takes Steps To Protect The Environment, Halting Sales Of Bayer’s Toxic Insecticide Belt
EPA Wins One For The Environment For A Change, Wins Fight To Ban Bayer’s Deadly Insecticide Containing Flubendiamide In these days of captive agencies cravenly cowering before the power of the billion dollar corporations they are supposed to be regulating (for reference, please see Wall Street/SEC, factory farming/USDA, pharmaceuticals/FDA, etc. etc.) it always comes as a shock when a regulatory agency actually, you know, regulates something in such a way that it benefits the people and the environment.… Read the rest

How Growing Lemons Or Raising Bees Could Bring a SWAT team to you door: Massive Overreach by USDA and EPA

How Growing Lemons Or Raising Bees Could Bring a SWAT team to you door: Massive Overreach by USDA and EPA
Over-Policing Pasteurization: How the USDA and EPA Employ Their In-House SWAT Teams To Harass Natural Food Producers You’ve probably heard tales about how those thrifty bean-counters at the Pentagon have been providing local law enforcement with tanks, armored troop vehicles, and other surplus weaponry from the Gulf War theater at fire sale prices (read: for free). But did you know that the U.S.… Read the rest


Congress’ latest outrage: toxic chemical safe levels decided not by science, but by lobbyists   There are certain people we entrust with certain decisions. You have a financial advisor for your money questions. You wouldn’t ask the guy pumping your gas for stock tips. And when it comes to our health and physical well-being, most of us would probably agree that our questions are best answered by scientists and doctors.… Read the rest

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Over Used, Under Safe: Surprise! Monsanto Guilty of Suppressing Studies Showing Dangers

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Over Used, Under Safe: Surprise! Monsanto Guilty of Suppressing Studies Showing Dangers
The Growing Weight of Glyphosate Toxicity Katy Agruiera Weeds are tough; they grow everywhere, competing for water and nutrients with crops. If left alone, they proliferate and take over. Anyone who tries to keep a neat, green lawn can tell you that weeds are a threat to that endeavor. Any farmer will tell you that weeds present a challenge to producing the food we eat.… Read the rest