MAGA drag queen: “Drag queen culture is not for kids”

MAGA drag queen: “Drag queen culture is not for kids”
MAGA drag queen, Kitty Demure wants it to be known that, “Drag queen culture is not for kids. This is my response to mothers and/or fathers who indoctrinate their children with the aid of a drag queen. I believe they hurt the child and the LGBTQ community.” The Trump-supporting Amazon employee’s YouTube channel consists largely of make-up tutorials, live chats and monologues, with a video posted (anonymously and not in drag) at a Trump rally in Arizona in early 2020.… Read the rest

“We Have Laws Against Child Endangerment”: DeSantis Fires Warning Shot At Drag Show Groomers

“We Have Laws Against Child Endangerment”: DeSantis Fires Warning Shot At Drag Show Groomers
By Julian Conradson | June 10, 2022 Watch DeSantis’ press conference (beginning at 38:14): When it comes to adults sexualizing children, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis does not play. He recently passed a bill that protects children from radical sexual perversion in schools. Now he is turning his attention to the horrific Drag Queen Story Hour scourge that is sweeping the nation.… Read the rest

‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’

‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’
By Alicia Powe | Published June 10, 2022   The normalization of child grooming is rampant as the left exploits body dysmorphia to propagate perversions disguised as “pride” and “inclusion.” In 2015, “drag queen story time” became a national controversy as men appropriating women began reading to children in libraries. Now, drag queen performances for children are starting to appear everywhere.… Read the rest

Democratic Lawmaker Suggests Mandatory ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ for All K-12 Students

Democratic Lawmaker Suggests Mandatory ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ for All K-12 Students
The Senator posted this picture with #BDSM A California state senator suggested making “drag queen story time” a public school requirement. Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener, whose district covers San Francisco, tweeted his comment after Texas state Rep. Bryan Slaton announced that he was filing a bill that would prohibit children from attending drag shows, according to Fox News. “This guy just gave me a bill idea: Offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum,” Wiener tweeted.… Read the rest

New York library hosts ‘drag camp’ for kids age 11 and up to adopt a drag persona and perform at pride show

New York library hosts ‘drag camp’ for kids age 11 and up to adopt a drag persona and perform at pride show
CARLOS GARCIA | June 03, 2022 A publicly funded library in upstate New York is being assailed for hosting a “drag camp” for children as young as 11 years old to take on a drag persona and perform at a pride drag show. The Thompson County Library scheduled a series of classes where local drag queen Tilia Cordata would teach children to become drag queens.… Read the rest