Use Of Popular Anti-Depressants During Pregnancy Shown To Cause Language Disorders In Offspring

Use Of Popular Anti-Depressants During Pregnancy Shown To Cause Language Disorders In Offspring
Babies With Language Disorders Including Dyslexia May Result From Pregnant Mothers Taking SSRIs It’s got to be hard being pregnant. All the changes wrought on a woman’s body must tremendously stressful–both physically and mentally. That’s probably why SSRIs or selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors are the most common type of antidepressant prescribed to women who are pregnant. However an alarming new study presents compelling evidence that the use of such drugs during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of language disorders including dyslexia in the woman’s offspring.… Read the rest

Synergy Between Mind And Body: How Adding In A Program Of Meditation Can Build Up Your Feel-Good Endorphins To A Sum Greater Than The Whole

Synergy Between Mind And Body: How Adding In A Program Of Meditation Can Build Up Your Feel-Good Endorphins To A Sum Greater Than The Whole
Gimmee My Endorphins: How Adding A Program Of Meditation And Mindfulness To Your Exercise Regime Can Boost Endorphin Release Most people who run or regularly perform other strenuous physical activity will tell you all about endorphins. They will sometimes go on and on until you’re ready to release a few endorphins of your own–on their face, with your fist. But there is proven truth in the tales of the “runner’s high:” endorphins to the point of euphoria are possible through exercise.… Read the rest

The Secret to Fighting Depression May Not Be With Medicine Or Prescriptions: There’s One Type Of Food That Can Really Help

The Secret to Fighting Depression May Not Be With Medicine Or Prescriptions: There’s One Type Of Food That Can Really Help
Secret Anti-Depression Booster Can Be Found Not At A Pharmacy But In Your Kitchen’s Pantry: How You Can Eat Your Way Out Of Depression We live in truly amazing times when it comes to medical advances. Almost every day you can read about some new cure for some malady or at least a promising study that may one day lead to such a cure.… Read the rest

Protection for the Little Guy When the Big Guys Take the World Economy Down

Protection for the Little Guy When the Big Guys Take the World Economy Down
Bottom line: Micro Gold is Maxi Protection Against Currency Failure: is an innovative way to ride the tide of financial chaos. You know currency chaos is coming.  You know that it will be hard on the little guy and you know full well that the big guys will do very, very well while ordinary people suffer and succumb, allowing the “Great Ones” to impose whatever conditions they wish to, giving or withholding food, shelter, necessities.… Read the rest