When Is An Egg Not An Egg? How Just Mayo Controversy Can Illuminate Current Kratom/Weed/DEA/Big Pharma Mess
What does an egg-free mayo substitute have to do with marijuana and kratom? Government genuflection to big business, that’s what. To wit:
If you’ve been paying attention to the latest Drug Enforcement Administration news, you may be aware that marijuana was recently relegated to continue moldering on the agency’s Schedule 1 list of the most dangerous drugs, those with no medical benefit.… Read the rest
Tag: DEA
More Rebellion Against Heavy-Handed DEA Dictat On Marijuana: Epilepsy Society Smacks Down Agency
Epilepsy Society Just Says No To DEA: Delivers Smack-Down To DEA Dictat On Marijuana Scheduling
As the reality of the DEA’s heavy-handed determination that marijuana is to remain a Schedule 1 drug–that is, one that is dangerous with a high potential for abuse and which has no medical value, the same rating as LSD, heroin, bath salts or GBH, and making it in theory more dangerous than Schedule 2 drugs like cocaine and meth–cracks are starting to show in the armor of the state.… Read the rest
Sinister Bedfellows: Amid Arizona Marijuana Legalization Fight, Major Opioid Maker Donates To Opponents
Strange Bedfellows: Maker Of Opioid That Has Killed Thousands Donates To Anti-Weed Lobbying Groups
They say “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” but oh boy does that ever make for some weird friends when it comes to politics. And especially when it comes to the politics of marijuana legalization.
The landscape around marijuana is already so topsy-turvy, so filled with Alice in Wonderland meets Franz Kafka land mines that it is almost impossible to navigate without losing your mind; the insane things people have been propagandized with for so many decades have calcified brains.… Read the rest
Your Scare Tactics Are Bad And You Should Feel Bad: No, Marijuana Is STILL Not A ‘Gateway Drug’
No, Virginia, Marijuana Is NOT a Gateway Drug: Here Are 40 Years Of Data Prove It
In the wake of the stunningly troglodytic and myopic decision by the Drug Enforcement Administration to keep marijuana on the listing of Schedule 1 drugs–those drugs for which there are supposedly no known medical uses, and which are considered the most dangerous–many observers are shaking their heads in disbelief.… Read the rest
Drug Warriors Run Amok: How An 81-Year-Old Cancer Patient Growing His Own Pot Got Raided By The DEA
Reefer Madness In Mass: 81-Year-Old Growing Four Pot Plants Brings Out DEA Helicopters, State Police, And Even The National Guard
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Just when you think the flailing idiocy of the drug warriors who rightly feel their last battle is imminent couldn’t get any stupider, you read a story like this one.… Read the rest
The DEA Could Change The Nation’s Marijuana Laws As Soon As July
DEA May Finally Reclassify Marijuana–Currently Considered As Dangerous as LSD And Heroin
A letter to Senator Elizabeth Warren from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) seems to indicate that the agency is planning to reclassify marijuana from its current Schedule 1 status, a change that could come as soon as this July.
The agency said that it could decide whether marijuana should remain at the same level as LSD and heroin by “…the first half of 2016,” which some are reading as an indication the hard-line agency is finally coming around on the reality of marijuana as opposed to ancient, fear-mongering legends about the plant.… Read the rest