Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark: Danish Filmmakers Create Powerful Doc on HPV Vaxx Damage
How much evidence does it take to convince a true non-believer that it might be time to start believing?
Of course, the answer depends on what you’re talking about; people develo ppowerful mental calluses and blind spots that won’t allow them to bend one iota for fear of losing the identity they have carved out for themselves, as it is oftentimes based on belief systems.… Read the rest
Tag: Dangerous Chemicals in Vaccines
UN Measles Vaccination Program In Syria Halted After 15 Children Die Suddenly
15 Syrian Children Under The Age Of Two Dead Following UN Measles Vaccination
You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here:
It’s amazing sometimes to see what the mainstream media will report and what they leave alone. Every twitch and eye roll of the current presidential campaign gets puffed up and scrutinized until the press comes across like a crowd of elementary school kids surrounding an escalating conflict, doing more taunting and name-calling than either of the would-be combatants.… Read the rest