The Fracking Truth: In A Rare Moment Of Honesty, Former Governor Admits His State’s Policies Favored Economics Over Safety During Fracking Boom

The Fracking Truth: In A Rare Moment Of Honesty, Former Governor Admits His State’s Policies Favored Economics Over Safety During Fracking Boom
Fracking Goes Boom: Former Governor Admits Economics Are Routinely Put Above Safety When It Comes To The Fracking Industry Q: What do you call an honest politician? A: Retired. A small joke for you there. And let’s be honest: even that’s not really true. Most retired politicians will say whatever the highest bidder asks them to–perhaps its force of habit, or a genetic predisposition, who knows.… Read the rest

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display

SAFE food act passes out of Senate Committee, stark hypocrisy on display
Not a day goes by without some politician or another doing something utterly hypocritical. It is increasingly apparent that anyone who goes into politics isn’t actually a human, but rather a person-shaped alien who is lacking the gene marker for what we earthlings call “shame.” But with the passage of the SAFE Act–the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act–through the Senate Agriculture committee, Americans are one step closer to not being able to know what GMOs are in our food.… Read the rest

Twelve-year-old girl suddenly dies after receiving Gardasil HPV vaccine

Twelve-year-old girl suddenly dies after receiving Gardasil HPV vaccine
You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: A Wisconsin family’s tragic loss of their 12-year-old daughter after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine has ramped up the questions people are asking about the efficacy and safety of the shots. Meredith Prohaska, appearing in a family photo as a mop-topped, blond, barefoot kid happily climbing on some rocks, was taken from her family hours after being given the vaccine.… Read the rest


Congress’ latest outrage: toxic chemical safe levels decided not by science, but by lobbyists   There are certain people we entrust with certain decisions. You have a financial advisor for your money questions. You wouldn’t ask the guy pumping your gas for stock tips. And when it comes to our health and physical well-being, most of us would probably agree that our questions are best answered by scientists and doctors.… Read the rest


February temp deviations crush previous measures how hot can it get? What’s it going to take for climate deniers to finally admit the truth? It’s hot and getting hotter, no two ways about it. All the bloviating from paid industry hacks, their geisha girls in Congress, and their rent-boys in the media to the contrary means absolutely nothing in the face of record-breaking weather every month.… Read the rest