Doctors: COVID Vaccinations for Children Is Criminal, Must Stop

Doctors: COVID Vaccinations for Children Is Criminal, Must Stop
BY JOE WANG AND JENNIFER MARGULIS | JUNE 13, 2022   Dr. Reni Moon has spent her entire career as an advocate for vaccines. A pediatrician who is double board certified in pediatric hospital medicine and pediatrics, Moon said she has counseled thousands of families and always encouraged them to vaccinate. “I’ve trusted my governmental agencies to do the studies that needed to be done and the rigorous testing to make sure that what we are injecting into our kids is not going to harm them,” she said.… Read the rest

MAGA drag queen: “Drag queen culture is not for kids”

MAGA drag queen: “Drag queen culture is not for kids”
MAGA drag queen, Kitty Demure wants it to be known that, “Drag queen culture is not for kids. This is my response to mothers and/or fathers who indoctrinate their children with the aid of a drag queen. I believe they hurt the child and the LGBTQ community.” The Trump-supporting Amazon employee’s YouTube channel consists largely of make-up tutorials, live chats and monologues, with a video posted (anonymously and not in drag) at a Trump rally in Arizona in early 2020.… Read the rest

‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’

‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’
By Alicia Powe | Published June 10, 2022   The normalization of child grooming is rampant as the left exploits body dysmorphia to propagate perversions disguised as “pride” and “inclusion.” In 2015, “drag queen story time” became a national controversy as men appropriating women began reading to children in libraries. Now, drag queen performances for children are starting to appear everywhere.… Read the rest

White House says kids under 5 could get COVID-19 vaccines by June 21

White House says kids under 5 could get COVID-19 vaccines by June 21
The White House said Thursday that COVID-19 vaccinations for children under 5 could begin as soon as June 21, if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizes the shots. “We expect vaccinations will begin in earnest as early as Tuesday, June 21, and really roll on throughout that week,” White House COVID-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha told reporters. An FDA advisory committee is scheduled to meet on June 14 and 15 to consider the applications from Pfizer and Moderna, and Jha said a decision on authorization is expected “soon thereafter.”… Read the rest

Police Remove Children from Dallas Gay Bar After Anti-Grooming Activists Notice What’s Going On

Police Remove Children from Dallas Gay Bar After Anti-Grooming Activists Notice What’s Going On
The left is sexualizing children. Years ago, when anyone warned the country that this was the ultimate goal of the LGBT movement, they were decried as hateful bigots. Leaked footage from inside a Dallas, Texas, gay bar shows that, unfortunately, those predictions have come true. The gay bar — called Mr. Misster — hosted a “family-friendly” drag show where children watched as a man — dressed in a scantily-clad leather suit — danced for money.… Read the rest

What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal

What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal
BY BETH GIUFFRE AND DR. YUHONG DONG | MAY 19, 2022 Jab-induced spike injuries are on the rise, but in order to heal, the injuries must first be recognized Del Bigtree’s Football Analogy simplifies how spike protein reprograms the body’s immune system to attack itself The latest science explains the mechanism of jab-induced spike injuries, and spike’s affinity for certain organs Understanding the mechanisms of injury can help people heal: energy-boosting exercises reinvigorate the immune system and compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine can neutralize the toxic effects of the spike protein With the majority of the worldwide population now “fully” vaccinated, people are facing the unprecedented challenge of coping with jab-induced spike injuries.… Read the rest

Lawmaker Blames Baby Formula Crisis on ‘Corporate Greed’, Asks $28 Million to ‘Bolster FDA’

Lawmaker Blames Baby Formula Crisis on ‘Corporate Greed’, Asks $28 Million to ‘Bolster FDA’
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) on Tuesday introduced legislation calling for $28 million in emergency funds to help the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) address the nation’s infant formula shortage. In a House briefing, DeLauro said there are two parts to the nationwide shortage: safety and supply, and “parents should not have to choose between these two things.” DeLauro, Democratic chair of the House Appropriations Committee, said her legislation addresses the “here and now” issue of the shortage, blaming the crisis on industry monopolies.… Read the rest

COVID Risks to Children and Elders in New York?

COVID Risks to Children and Elders in New York?
COVID Risks to Children and Elders in New York? Protecting Children in China? As a mother I am appalled that the medical community is not rushing to determine why children in New York are dying from a rare condition called “Kawasaki Syndrome” — somehow now linked to COVID. [1] They note the condition which has killed and maimed at least 3 children, with over a hundred affected, but then just ignore it.… Read the rest

More Rebellion Against Heavy-Handed DEA Dictat On Marijuana: Epilepsy Society Smacks Down Agency

More Rebellion Against Heavy-Handed DEA Dictat On Marijuana: Epilepsy Society Smacks Down Agency
Epilepsy Society Just Says No To DEA: Delivers Smack-Down To DEA Dictat On Marijuana Scheduling As the reality of the DEA’s heavy-handed determination that marijuana is to remain a Schedule 1 drug–that is, one that is dangerous with a high potential for abuse and which has no medical value, the same rating as LSD, heroin, bath salts or GBH, and making it in theory more dangerous than Schedule 2 drugs like cocaine and meth–cracks are starting to show in the armor of the state.… Read the rest

They Say Everything Is Bigger In Texas: Even The Maternal Mortality Rate–Highest Not Only In U.S., But In Developed World

They Say Everything Is Bigger In Texas: Even The Maternal Mortality Rate–Highest Not Only In U.S., But In Developed World
Shameful Record Of Politically-Motivated Neglect: Texas Leads The Developed World In Maternal Mortality Rates Texas is just different: ask anyone from the U.S. who has ever been there. Hell, even people from Texas will tell you it’s different. For one thing, many people from the state still consider it a country of its own, separate from the U.S. Yet it is still is on the receiving end of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal taxpayer largesse every year.… Read the rest