Shocking Proof: Japanese Doctor Presents Proof of HPV Vaccine/Chronic Fatigue Link
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The results are in, whether or not Big Pharma and its cheerleaders want to admit it: something is very wrong with the HPV vaccination.
We can reach this conclusion not only be honestly examining the shady, shortcut process by which the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix were pushed through the approval process at the Centers for Disease Control.… Read the rest
Tag: CDC
Pills For Everyone: Up To One-Third Of Antibiotics Prescribed Incorrectly
Here’s Why Antibiotics Don’t Work Anymore: Study Finds One Third Of Antibiotics Incorrectly Prescribed
Oh, well that explains why antibiotics’ effectiveness is declining.
A recent study shows that not only does more than half of the US population receive prescriptions every year in doctor’s office visits, nearly one-third of antibiotics prescribed to Americans were incorrectly prescribed. The patients either should not have received the drugs at all, or they were not given a long enough course, or they were given an incorrect dose.… Read the rest
Why is Dr. William Thompson Still Working At The CDC? Revelations From Dr. Brian Hooker May $hed $ome Light on the $ubject
Reasons Why Dr. William Thompson’s is Staying at CDC Despite His Whistle-Blowing Come To Light
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In light of the revelations that came out of the documentary “Vaxxed,” largely as a result of the whistle-blowing of Dr. William Thompson of the CDC in regard to his revelations that the CDC covered up data linking the MMR vaccine to autism, his original confessor Dr.… Read the rest
Horrific Birth Defect With Intestines Formed On Outside Of Abdomen On The Rise, Doctors Have No Idea Why
Birth Defect Leaving Infant’s Intestines Poking Through Hole In Abdominal Wall On The Rise; No One Knows Why
There is an alarming new uptick in the occurrence of a disturbing condition in which fetuses develop a hole in the abdominal wall through which a portion of the baby’s intestines push. It’s called gastroschisis and it can also involve the stomach and liver.… Read the rest
CDC Admits It Lied About Zika Virus Immunity–What Else Are They Lying About?
Finally the truth: CDC Admits They Lied! No Zika Virus Vaccine Necessary After All
URGENT #CDCWhistleblower set to recant truth, start lying again.
Write now: urge him 2 stand strong 4 the children! Don’t betray us Dr. Thompson!
With the panic over the Zika virus continuing to dominate the news as if the latest apocalyptic Hollywood blockbuster had actually come to pass, the CDC has come out with a blockbuster admission of its own: they lied.… Read the rest
Massive Atlanta Rally In Support Of The CDC Justice Or Else Movement Featuring R&B Performer Tony Terry
Performer Tony Terry To Headline CDC Vaccine Justice Or Else Rally
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A weekend-long rally in support of the CDC Justice Or Else movement kicked off last night in Atlanta, featuring the talents of R&B superstar Tony Terry. The rally is designed to raise awareness of the risks of vaccines and to raise funds for its efforts to combat the emerging prevalence of autism in children, which is significantly higher in African-American male children.… Read the rest
Deaths From Antibiotic-Resistant “Superbugs” Will Outpace Cancer Deaths By 2050
The Coming Superbug Attack: Deaths From Antibiotic-Resistant Infections To Outpace Cancer Deaths By 2050
O, antibiotics, how we loved thee. And how we mourn thee.
There was a time when we thought there was nothing they couldn’t do: people would demand them for head colds–despite the fact that rhinovirus is unaffected by them–and doctors handed them out like candy.
But the sad fact is in our demand for antibiotics, we have pretty much loved them to death.… Read the rest
Who will regulate the regulators? The USDA shows more signs of cravenly serving corporate interests
Who does the USDA work for, the taxpayers or giant agri-business?
There is an ugly term related to government agencies and the way they operate that has gained more and more relevance in recent years: that term is “captive agency.”
It was created to describe what happens when a regulatory agency’s powers have been essentially usurped from within due to the interference from the interests it was meant to regulate.… Read the rest
Epilepsy rates rise to 1 in 20 children under 5–could vaccines be to blame?
Vaccines fingered as cause in staggering rise of epilepsy rates in toddlers
An alarming rise in the rate of epilepsy among children and the elderly has reached new heights lately, with 1 in 20 children under five now suffering from epilepsy-related seizures in the United States. Alarmed parents are fearful that vaccines may have triggered the disorder in their children.
The government, naturally, continues to play the line that, while vaccines can conceivably trigger fever-related seizures, the multitude of epilepsy cases that begin immediately after infants receive vaccinations are merely coincidental.… Read the rest
Former CDC Head Cashes Out A Cool $2 Million In Pharma Stock–After Approving Merck’s Gardasil On Her Watch
And Behind Revolving Door Number One–Former CDC Head Cashes In A Cool $2 Million of Merck Stock After Approving Gardasil
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Some stories just write themselves:
Child Celebrity In Trouble With The Law
Government Lies
Pious Politician/Preacher Caught Cheating On His Wife With Mistress/Male Prostitute/Farm Animal.
And then there’s this one:
Corrupt Public Official Cashes In On Government Post After Tenure Ends, Taking Lucrative Job In The Private Sector.… Read the rest