Fukushima Fifth Anniversary Commemoration
“I’m looking forward to hearing from people like M. Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, known as “The Conscience of Fukushima” along with a powerful lineup of people with plans – and capacity – to remediate Fukushima and ameliorate the vast and accelerating harm emanating from this horrifying tragedy.” Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)… Read the rest
Tag: Cancer
The HPV Vaccine Push
HPV Vax Unsafe and Unnecessary
In a report[1] circulating the Internet the Human Papillomavirus vaccine has been accused of being unsafe.
The report suggests, “HPV… is a sexually transmitted infection that can be caused by over 100 different viral strains. Very few strains actually contribute to cancer or cause genital warts and almost all of them clear up on their own.… Read the rest
Professor Séralini Vindicated by French Court in Second Lawsuit: GMOs Cause Tumors
In a huge blow to Monsanto, a French court has declared that French professor Gilles-Eric Séralini was in fact right when he claimed that GMO foods fed to rats caused tumors. The original article outlining the study was pulled from the journal Food and Toxicology, but only after fierce, ugly warfare being waged against the journal and Séralini by--you guessed it--Monsanto.
Was Stephen Hawkings Vaccine Injured?
In a report circulating the Internet[1], it is being suggested that famed physicist Stephen Hawkings, who has continued to contribute to cosmological theory even while he slowly wastes away due to ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)-like symptoms, may have contracted the disease due to a vaccine adverse reaction.
A number of physicians and researchers have confirmed the potential for ALS-like symptoms to be a result of a vaccine adverse reaction.… Read the rest
Antioxidant a Bread Boon to Diabetics: Lower Blood Sugar
What if bread did not cause blood sugar to rise in diabetics? Although gluten might still be an issue, the opportunity to eat break without an unhealthy rise in blood sugar would be welcome to a lot of people. Professor Zhou Weibiao of National University of Singapore have created a bread formula that does just that: by adding a plant pigment from black rice, anthocyanin, they were able to slow digestion rates by 12.8% with just 1% anthrocyanin.… Read the rest
Monsanto’s Glyphosate Over Used, Under Safe: Surprise! Monsanto Guilty of Suppressing Studies Showing Dangers
The Growing Weight of Glyphosate Toxicity
Katy Agruiera
Weeds are tough; they grow everywhere, competing for water and nutrients with crops. If left alone, they proliferate and take over. Anyone who tries to keep a neat, green lawn can tell you that weeds are a threat to that endeavor. Any farmer will tell you that weeds present a challenge to producing the food we eat.… Read the rest
FDA to Monitor Glyphosate in “Certain Foods” [43 Years After Toxicity Discovered]
The FDA announced that it will develop plans to monitor the presence of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, in foods sometime soon. Calling the issue “sensitive”, the Agency declined to offer specifics but said that monitored foods would “include soybeans, corn, milk, and eggs among other potential foods” according to FDA spokesperson Lauren Sucher. More than 92% of all corn grown in the US and 94% of all soybeans are GMO* along with sugar beets, rice, rape (canola) seed, potatoes, cotton (seed oil used in food), papaya, eggplant, okra and more.… Read the rest