Aspartame Is Still In Your Soft Drinks: The Troubling History Of A Proven Carcinogen
Diet Coke has it. So does Coke Zero. Diet Pepsi just stopped using it following plummeting sales and consumer concern with it, but they’re talking about bringing it back. They still use it in Canada and other countries outside the U.S. as a product called Pepsi Max.… Read the rest
Tag: Cancer
The Fight Against Cancer Begins On Your Plate: How To Choose The Right Foods To Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Cancer
Food Choices And Your Chances Of Getting Cancer: How Simple Dietary Choices Can Make A Huge Difference
With all the advances modern medicine–and alternative medical research–is making in the war against cancer, there is plenty to hope for, in terms of a future where even if you do comes down with some form of cancer, you will have a fighting chance.… Read the rest
A Shocker: EPA Actually Takes Steps To Protect The Environment, Halting Sales Of Bayer’s Toxic Insecticide Belt
EPA Wins One For The Environment For A Change, Wins Fight To Ban Bayer’s Deadly Insecticide Containing Flubendiamide
In these days of captive agencies cravenly cowering before the power of the billion dollar corporations they are supposed to be regulating (for reference, please see Wall Street/SEC, factory farming/USDA, pharmaceuticals/FDA, etc. etc.) it always comes as a shock when a regulatory agency actually, you know, regulates something in such a way that it benefits the people and the environment.… Read the rest
Why Is There No Cure For Cancer? A Closer Look At The Ways We Have Made Progress On A Cure And Why You Haven’t Heard About It
Why There’$ No $uch Thing A$ A Cure For Cancer: Research Is Big Bucks, But Once The Research Ends, So Does The Gravy Train
It seems like there is some new miracle breakthrough cure or treatment for something every day. But if you watch closely, you may notice a pattern: one disease remains steadfast in its horror, damage and ability to destroy lives no matter how much research we through at it.… Read the rest
Eat Your Veggies, Young Lady. No, Really: Study Links Eating Veggies And Fruits In Adolescence Can Reduce Cancer Risk Later In Life
New Cancer Study On Simple Way To Cut Risk: Eating Your Fruits And Veggies As A Kid May Greatly Reduce Chances Of Cancer Later
There are some tidbits of wisdom we can thank our mothers for, even if we didn’t want to hear them at the time.
Take vegetables. There are very few kids who really like them, or fruit either for that matter.… Read the rest
For the Children: A New Study Shows That Children Suffering From Cancer Can Survive If They Are Given A Double Stem Cell Transplant
Childhood Cancer Can Be Overcome With A Double Stem Cell Transplant, According To Breakthrough New Study
There are few things more cruel in this world than a child with cancer. Granted, no one should have to suffer from the ravages of the disease, no matter what age they are. But to see a child struck down with cancer is especially horrifying, at least to anyone who has a heart.… Read the rest
You’ll Never Guess The Percentage Of California Wines That Tested Positive For Glyphosate. Hint: Start High. Real High.
That’s One Kind Of Test You Don’t Want To Ace: 100 Percent Of California Wines Tested Positive For Cancer-Causing Glyphosate
Everyone had those certain subjects in school, the ones where you would take tests and, no matter how much you studied, you could only pray you might get lucky and hit something like 75 percent.
These are tests where a 100 would be cause for celebration.… Read the rest
A Green Party Stunt To Draw Attention To The Ubiquity Of Glyphosate Shows That 48 Members Of European Parliament Had Glyphosate In Their Urine
Shocking Rate Of Glyphosate Found In Urine Tests Of 48 Members Of European Parliament–100 Percent Of Those Who Were Tested.
Recently a group of members of the European Parliament volunteered to take a urine test to see if glyphosate was in their system, and the results were illuminating to say the least.
The ubiquitous herbicide that was recently designated by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer as “probably carcinogenic to humans” has recently been found in German beer, California wine and a host of food products.… Read the rest
A new study shows an increased cancer risk for talcum powder users
A new study shows that there is strong evidence that women who use talcum powder are at an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Published on the heels of a $72 million lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson over a woman’s death due to ovarian cancer after using their baby powder for years, the landmark study shines a light on what many in the medical community have been saying for years.… Read the rest
Major Radioactive Leak Leads to Shutdown at Indian Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) Nuclear Station
It’s been five years since the Fukushima disaster, and nuclear isotopes are washing up on US shores in increasing amounts. Will India be the next source of nuclear calamity? The nuclear reactor down the street from where you live? When will we learn?
When will be compel the Nuclear Industry, world-wide, to develop and use real technologies that can actually clean up the mess once and for all? Take Action Here: