Another Country Spoken For: Denmark Documentary Makers Come Out With Powerful Anti-HPV Vaccine Film

Another Country Spoken For: Denmark Documentary Makers Come Out With Powerful Anti-HPV Vaccine Film
Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark: Danish Filmmakers Create Powerful Doc on HPV Vaxx Damage How much evidence does it take to convince a true non-believer that it might be time to start believing? Of course, the answer depends on what you’re talking about; people develo ppowerful mental calluses and blind spots that won’t allow them to bend one iota for fear of losing the identity they have carved out for themselves, as it is oftentimes based on belief systems.… Read the rest

Personalized Cancer Vaccines On The Horizon For Merck, Along With Big, Big Profits

Personalized Cancer Vaccines On The Horizon For Merck, Along With Big, Big Profits
Merck To Launch Partnership With Biotech Giant Moderna To Develop Personalized Messenger-RNA Anti-Cancer Vaccines One thing they didn’t foresee in all those hopeful, idealistic classic science fiction books was that when the future comes, it will come first for the very very rich. To wit, consider the announcement that Merck is going to partner with biotech leader Moderna Therapeutics to develop a commercial application for personalized cancer vaccinations.… Read the rest