There Is So Much Wrong With Nestlé: Next Time You Think About Buying A Nestlé Product, Think About This
Why is a multi-billion dollar corporation being allowed to take publicly owned water out from under the Southern California San Bernadino mountain range?
This is southern California, the place that is suffering under an historic drought that has lasted nearly five years already and shows no signs of abating anytime soon.… Read the rest
Tag: california
You’ll Never Guess The Percentage Of California Wines That Tested Positive For Glyphosate. Hint: Start High. Real High.
That’s One Kind Of Test You Don’t Want To Ace: 100 Percent Of California Wines Tested Positive For Cancer-Causing Glyphosate
Everyone had those certain subjects in school, the ones where you would take tests and, no matter how much you studied, you could only pray you might get lucky and hit something like 75 percent.
These are tests where a 100 would be cause for celebration.… Read the rest
A Green Party Stunt To Draw Attention To The Ubiquity Of Glyphosate Shows That 48 Members Of European Parliament Had Glyphosate In Their Urine
Shocking Rate Of Glyphosate Found In Urine Tests Of 48 Members Of European Parliament–100 Percent Of Those Who Were Tested.
Recently a group of members of the European Parliament volunteered to take a urine test to see if glyphosate was in their system, and the results were illuminating to say the least.
The ubiquitous herbicide that was recently designated by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer as “probably carcinogenic to humans” has recently been found in German beer, California wine and a host of food products.… Read the rest
The Land Of Fruit And Nuts–And Diabetes? California Diabetes Rate Through The Roof
California Dreaming: Who Knew That Included Dreams Of Diabetes
There are a lot of stock images that spring to mind when you think of California: surfing, beautiful blonde people, earthquakes. Hollywood, the Golden Gate bridge, perhaps.
But one thing that doesn’t fit the usual clichéd rundown of all things California is diabetes. That, however, may be about to change.
An alarming new study conducted at UCLA shows that nearly half of all Californians either have prediabetes, a precursor to type-2 diabetes, or they have an undiagnosed case of diabetes itself.… Read the rest
Global Warming Is Making It Nicer In Winter; So Americans Unconcerned, According To New Study
New Study Indicates More Pleasant Winter Weather Inoculates Americans From Global Warming Alarm
Growing up in the northern part of the United States, during the dead of winter–those long, dark, cold gray days–when you catch an occasional sunny, warm day, you rejoice. The joke is that weather which in the summer would have you scrambling for your hoodie and long pants will get you running around in shorts and a t-shirt in January.… Read the rest
Cloud-seeding in California has conspiracy theorists up in arms–here’s why
Some people are questioning the motives of government bringing back an old cloud-seeding program in California–here’s what has them so nervous.
The term “conspiracy theorist” has such an ugly ring. It is a cheap way to dismiss out of hand not only a person’s particular beliefs about a particular subject, but also to render anything else that they might say as somehow beneath contempt, certainly beneath response.… Read the rest