Klaus Schwab THREATENS Brazilian president for refusing to sign WHO pandemic treaty

Klaus Schwab THREATENS Brazilian president for refusing to sign WHO pandemic treaty
By Ramon Tomey | May 28, 2022 World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and Executive Director Klaus Schwab issued a thinly veiled threat toward Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro after the strongman refused to sign the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) pandemic treaty. “Let’s also be clear: The future is not just happening. The future is built by us, a powerful community – you, here in this room.… Read the rest

Upping The Ante On Zika In Florida: Authorities Seem To Be Primed To Spread Information That May Or May Not Be True, In True Scare-Mongering Fashion

Upping The Ante On Zika In Florida: Authorities Seem To Be Primed To Spread Information That May Or May Not Be True, In True Scare-Mongering Fashion
Scare-Mongering Or Health Threat: Health Authorities Seem Eager To Jump On The Zika Bandwagon In Florida With Little Room For Questions By now we are all familiar with the stories being spread around about the Zika virus: pregnant women especially are being told to take precautions and avoid traveling to areas where it has been found, due to the reported link between Zika and microcephaly, the horrific condition in which infants are born with underdeveloped skulls and brains.… Read the rest

Alarming New Study Points To Possible Brain Damage Occurring In Unborn Babies Even As Late As The Third Trimester

Alarming New Study Points To Possible Brain Damage Occurring In Unborn Babies Even As Late As The Third Trimester
Zika Continues To Alarm: Study Finds That Brain Damage Can Still Occur Even In The Third Trimester For pregnant women, the first trimester is the hardest part–at least in terms of worrying about things like miscarriage, and normal fetal development. Some diseases, like rubella, which can result in traumatic results for fetuses if contracted in the first trimester are considerably less so if contracted later in the pregnancy.… Read the rest

Brazil Approves Use Of Hemp Cannabidiol As A Cancer Treatment

Brazil Approves Use Of Hemp Cannabidiol As A Cancer Treatment
Hemp Cannabidiol Approved For Use As A Cancer Treatment In Brazil; Big Pharma Reaction: <Silence> In a breakthrough legal step forward in the establishment’s acceptance of cannabis products as the beneficial health products they have long been known to be, the government of Brazil has approved the use of hemp cannabidiol as a treatment for cancer. The product, which goes by the brand name Real Scientific Hemp Oil had previously been approved by Brazil for treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic pain.… Read the rest

Zika Virus May Have Originated With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In Dengue, Yellow Fever Study

Zika Virus May Have Originated With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In Dengue, Yellow Fever Study
Zika Virus May Have Originated With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In Dengue, Yellow Fever Study The law of unintended consequences seems to dog the purveyors of all things genetically modified. Go figure, when you start tinkering with things that mother nature created over billions of years of slow evolution that our tiny human minds and limited vision might screw it up. But I digress.… Read the rest


Illegal mines in Brazil leaving behind legacy of mercury poisoning for natives Over 90 percent of indigenous communities in Brazil’s Amazon have been affected by mercury poisoning, according to a new study. The joint study conducted by the Brazilian health foundation Fiocruz, the Hutukara Yanomami Association, the Yekuana Association, and the Brazilian NGO Socio-Environmental Institute tested hair samples from indigenous people in 19 different communities in one region of Brazil’s Amazon.… Read the rest

Aussie Mom Says Baby Has Whooping Cough Because She Did Not Vaccinate. Wanna Buy a Bridge?

Aussie Mom Says Baby Has Whooping Cough Because She Did Not Vaccinate. Wanna Buy a Bridge?
An Unidentified Mother Hold a Motionless Baby with Pertussis Allegedly Because She Did Not Vaccinate While Pregnant with a Vaccine NOT Tested or Approved for Safety and Associated with Serious Birth Defects and Other Adverse Events. Oh, and Which Affords Precious Little Protection. The Video Appears on the Government Website. Notice Anything Wrong Here? And If Anyone Watching the Video Sees the Baby Take a Breath, Please Let Us Know In the Comments Section.