Surprise Terror Attack? WHOs Kidding Whom?

Surprise Terror Attack? WHOs Kidding Whom?
Surprise Terror Attack? WHO’s Kidding Whom? Opinion: Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation October 8, 2023 IMPORTANT NOTE: Please visit, take the actions there and become part of the I Will Not Comply Movement. Sign up for our Newsletter at the bottom of the Home Page. Saturday morning saw a devastating, supposedly surprise, supposedly unprovoked military assault/invasion of Israel by “terrorists”.… Read the rest

Bill Gates Buys Massive Amount of Farmland in North Dakota, But the State AG Just Stepped in

Bill Gates Buys Massive Amount of Farmland in North Dakota, But the State AG Just Stepped in
Richard Moorhead | June 22, 202 Bill Gates has made himself the single largest private owner of farmland in the United States. The globalist billionaire expanded his holdings of American farmland, accumulating a total of 242,000 acres of the most arable land in America, according to The Daily Caller. North Dakota’s attorney general is stepping in after Gates’ trust acquired six parcels of land in Pembina County.… Read the rest

Bill Gates: We didn’t know COVID targeted elderly sick people

Bill Gates: We didn’t know COVID targeted elderly sick people
‘We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate’ Art Moore | June 8, 2022   Billionaire philanthropist and vaccine promoter Bill Gates acknowledged at an event in New York City this week that the COVID-19 case fatality rate was relatively low, saying the world “just got lucky.” “I have to say, given the toll of this pandemic, 20 million dead globally, a million in the U.S.,… Read the rest

Dutch Politician Simone Kerseboom calls out the WHO plandemic treaty and Bill Gates

Dutch Politician Simone Kerseboom calls out the WHO plandemic treaty and Bill Gates
!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"v151ukc","div":"rumble_v151ukc"}); Simone Kerseboom calls for the WHO to be Shutdown, she is 100% correct, it should be shut down. Source:… Read the rest

Bill Gates: ‘What’s the point’ of mandates if the vaccines don’t work?

Bill Gates: ‘What’s the point’ of mandates if the vaccines don’t work?
Bill Gates discusses the ineffectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines at the World Economic Forum meeting Davos, Switzerland, on May 25, 2022. (Video screenshot) Leading promoter of vaccination drops bomb at triple-vaxxed Davos confab Attendees at the World Economic Forum meeting must be triple-vaccinated, but in a panel session in front of the elite leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland, vaccine promoter Bill Gates dismantled the rationale for vaccine mandates and passports in just seconds.… Read the rest

Rediscovered Native American Remedy Kills Poxvirus

Rediscovered Native American Remedy Kills Poxvirus
Rediscovered Native American remedy kills poxvirus BY JAMES URQUHART for Chemistry World Gates just purchased a the rights to a small pox vaccine. Suspicious timing? — ⚡️THOR⚡️ the Ultra Deplorable 🇺🇸 (@ThorDeplorable) November 19, 2021   An old herbal remedy for treating smallpox that is thought to have been used by native Americans in the late 1800s has been rediscovered and found to kill the poxvirus.… Read the rest

Pfizer Dump Reveals Doctor Tied to Gates Foundation Deleted Vaccine Trials Injury

Pfizer Dump Reveals Doctor Tied to Gates Foundation Deleted Vaccine Trials Injury
An 80,000-page cache of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sheds light on Pfizer’s extensive vaccine trials in Argentina, including the unusually large size of the trials and the story of a trial participant whose vaccine reaction was deleted. The case of Augusto Roux in Argentina suggests that in at least one instance, a trial participant whose symptoms were determined to be connected to the COVID-19 vaccine was later listed, in official records, as having experienced adverse events that were not related to the vaccination.… Read the rest

Dr. Peter Breggin: Biden ceding U.S. sovereignty to China

Dr. Peter Breggin: Biden ceding U.S. sovereignty to China
WHO preparing to vote on amendments to make its chief ‘health dictator’ The famed reformer in the field of psychiatry who is spotlighting the Biden administration’s “stealth” move to give the World Health Organization’s chief unilateral power to declare health emergencies in the United States contends the U.S. effectively is ceding its sovereignty to the Communist Party government in Beijing. In a video interview with WND, Dr.… Read the rest


COVID-19: It’s So Crazy Out There It’s Hard to Tell What’s Crazy Anymore Say “NO!” to King Bill Opinion by Rima E. Laibow MD, Psychiatrist This is a rant, pure and simple. Consider this entire piece in capital letters. But the facts ranted about herein are all substantiated and have been published in recent posts here on with citations and sources.… Read the rest

Bill Gates wants Africa to embrace GMO foods–is that such a good idea?

Bill Gates wants Africa to embrace GMO foods–is that such a good idea?
Biotechnology is the key to helping Africans-or so says Bill Gates A not-at-all unexpected advocate for GMO foods has come out in favor of exporting the genetically engineered food technology to Africa, saying that it might not only help poorer African nations feed themselves, but even suggesting that they might be able to produce enough food to export. In a fawning interview with the Wall Street Journal, Gates said, “…GMOs are done by changing the genes of the plant, and it’s done in a way where there’s a very thorough safety procedure, and it’s pretty incredible because it reduces the amount of pesticide you need, raises productivity (and) can help with malnutrition by getting vitamin fortification.”… Read the rest