Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark: Danish Filmmakers Create Powerful Doc on HPV Vaxx Damage
How much evidence does it take to convince a true non-believer that it might be time to start believing?
Of course, the answer depends on what you’re talking about; people develo ppowerful mental calluses and blind spots that won’t allow them to bend one iota for fear of losing the identity they have carved out for themselves, as it is oftentimes based on belief systems.… Read the rest
Tag: Australian Vaccine Law
Australian Doctor Group Refutes Claims by Anti-Vaxx Opponents Despite Published Statements Opposing Legislation Before It Was Passed
“The Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN) announced this week that they have received a preliminary oral advice from their barrister indicating that at least one avenue has been found to challenge the Federal Government's No Jab, No Pay legislation, enacted in January of this year.”
The president of the AVN, Tasha David claims that a hearing before the Senate received over 3,000 submissions opposing the legislation.