Four Island Vaccination Genocide Media Advisory – Tribunal Orders Cease and Desist of Genocidal COVID Vaccinations on the Four Island Nations. COVID Vaccinations had been made mandatory or necessary conditions of work or travel.

Four Island Vaccination Genocide Media Advisory – Tribunal Orders Cease and Desist of Genocidal COVID Vaccinations on the Four Island Nations.  COVID Vaccinations had been made mandatory or necessary conditions of work or travel.
NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE Four Island Vaccination Genocide Media Advisory – Tribunal Orders Cease and Desist of Genocidal COVID Vaccinations on the Four Island Nations.  COVID Vaccinations had been made mandatory or necessary conditions of work or travel. Globalist Pandemic Health Tyranny Threatens Residents of Island Nations of Barbados, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, Anguilla and Free Travel guaranteed by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights[1] The International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice[2], a private Tribunal of Conscience, with representatives from nations on 4 continents, has engaged in a process of indictment, trial and judgment against various international actors for the foreseeable harms generated by the COVID-19 Declared Pandemic and the rushed-to-market gene-altering “vaccines.”… Read the rest