If vaccine adverse events and deaths following COVID19 vaccination were truly not causally related, there would be an equal number of reports in the days following the vaccine administration. That’s a valid null hypothesis.
Do the data support non-causality? No. A new peer-reviewed study has found deaths clustered near the day of vaccine exposure, which is inconsistent with non-causality, and a dramatic increase in the autoimmune reports associated with COVID19 vaccination, consistent with predictions made by earlier studies predicting specific autoimmmune-related reactions based on the SARS-CoV-2 virus proteins.
The study, by Dr. Jessica Rose, is a report on carefully analyzed data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, is attached, along with the Editorial introducing it. Both are also available and shareable from the journal website.
The results are numerous and compelling. Since anaphylaxis is known to be caused by COVID19 vaccines, Dr. Rose used anaphylaxis as a positive control, finding the same pattern of clustering of events in time in deaths and in many serious adverse events.
Dr. Rose also reported an expected increase increase in autoimmune-related reports in VAERS over time, which she attributed to the same mechanism I proposed and predicted in April 2020: Pathogenic Priming.
This study will be hotly debated because it drives to the core presumption that the VAERS data resource cannot be used to assess causality. Temporal association is a critical piece of evidence in causality; the test for clustering of the events so near the vaccination event provides a critical test of the hypothesis of causality.
Note that Dr. Rose has now joined IPAK, after the study was accepted. She is to commended for her fine work, and we will be supporting her monthly effort via the Joshua Kuntz IPAK Research Fellowship. To support Dr. Rose’s important future studies via IPAK, visit the Joshua Kuntz Research Fellowship webpage at the IPAK website.
Rose, J. 2021. A Report on the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) Biologicals. Sci Publ Health Pol & Law 2:59-80. [LINK]
Source: jameslyonsweiler.com/2021/05/17/study-finds-patterns-in-vaers-data-that-provide-evidence-of-causality/amp/