One in 25 Germans sought medical attention due to vaccine injury

While the war in Ukraine is raging, explosive information is also coming to the fore about vaccine injury. The German health insurance company BKK ProVita has published a report about side effects after the Corona jab.

Published: March 1, 2022, 8:13 am

The numbers of vaccination side effects after Covid-19 vaccinations are truly catastrophic. These are not mild side effects either but moderately severe and severe. Massive underreporting of the treatment of these injuries is to be assumed.

Dutch information analyst Wouter Aukema and doctor Paul van Hoek have studied the matter extensively. In a Twitter thread, they write that the health insurer analysed claims for vaccine side effects due to the Corona jab and issued a warning to the German government.

According to the two, there is rock-solid evidence of underreporting by a factor of 10 on the German pharmacovigilance reporting system and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). It turns out that one in 25 people sought medical attention as a result of vaccine injury.

Aukema and Van Hoek compared the analysis and calculation of BKK ProVita with the figures from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German medicines authority, and EudraVigilance, the European database of reports on suspected side effects of medicines and came to the same conclusion as the German insurer.

They are concerned about the situation in the Netherlands in terms of side effects and underreporting to the Dutch pharmacovigilance reporting system Lareb. There are 194 475 reports for every 33,8 million shots. That is one report for every 175 shots.

Aukema and Van Hoek wanted to know when health insurers such as OHRA, Achmea or Vektis would publish their data and whether the RIVM would be examining mortality data.

BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck checked the reports of over 10 million individuals for more than seven months. Of the 10,9 million people insured, 216 695 were treated for adverse effects. In comparison, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute only reported 244 576 events out of 61,4 million people.

Schöfbeck spoke of an “alarming signal” and urgently called for more research. He estimated that in Germany some 2,5 to 3 million people have been treated for side effects following the Corona vaccine.

On February 21, 2022, the board of directors of BKK Pro Vita in Germany alerted the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German Medical Association, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds.

This warning specifically discloses the evaluation of the doctors’ billing data on Covid-19 vaccination side effects. For this purpose, the reported ICD codes of the German company health insurance companies for the diagnoses T88.0 (infection after vaccination/sepsis after vaccination), T88.1 (other complications after vaccination, skin rash after vaccination), Y59.9 (complications caused by vaccines or biological active substances) and U12.9 (Adverse reactions to the use of Covid‐19 vaccines).

According to their warning, the doctors’ billing data are available for the first half of 2021 and half of the third quarter of 2021. In extrapolating these figures for the year as a whole and for the population in Germany, it is very likely that up to 3 million people in Germany had to be treated medically because of vaccination side effects.

Extrapolated to the total population of Germany, these figures mean that approximately 5 percent of all Covid-19 vaccinated people had to receive medical treatment because of vaccination side effects. The injuries may be much higher, because in Germany only around two-thirds of the population took the jab.

According to Schöfbeck, “danger to human life cannot be ruled out”. This data analysis once again underscores the already known data on massive side effects of Covid-19 vaccinations. Only around 6-10 percent of vaccination side effects, i.e. only a very small fraction, are reported to the authorities and are therefore completely underestimated in the media.

These figures correspond with figures from 2021 noting a massive increase in diseases among soldiers in the US armed forces. It can therefore be assumed that around 5 percent of all vaccinated people worldwide suffer from vaccination side effects that require medical treatment.

Because the health insurance companies now have to pay for the treatment of this huge number of vaccination side effects, it threatens to collapse healthcare systems.

The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency also confirmed that deaths were rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the non-vaccinated.

These vaccine injuries may also be permanent: A Swedish study revealed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within the span 6 hours, altering DNA. The study was conducted in vitro, but confirmed a previous study published in October 2021 which found that the spike protein entered the cells’ nuclei and impaired the mechanism that our cells have to repair damaged DNA.

Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, confirmed in 2017 that the mRNA injection for COVID-19 can change a person’s genetic code or DNA. Moreover, scientists have discovered genetic material owned by Moderna in the spike protein of the virus.


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