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I am really angry. Not at you. At the liars and the cheats and the fools who cannot face, or do not want others to face the obvious: There is Nothing Normal About Autism.
All the rainbow colored ribbons and posters in the world cannot undo, erase or cancel the fact that autism is a tragedy – and one that is nearly always avoidable.
Now, once there has been such a devastating level of cataclysmic autoimmune toxicity, we need to love and nourish and nurture and detoxifiy and educate the victim – yes, victim – back to health and well-being.
We need to undo the vaccine and glyphosate and fluoride and metal damage. And the damage to the family, as well: the suffering, exhausted, front-line I-never-signed-up-to-have-an-autistic-child-but-I-have-one-now-and-I-will-by-God-do-everything-in-my-power-to-support-that-child heroes called families.
But let’s stop pretending that being autistic, being damaged in the brain and the gut and the endocrine glands to the point of “being on the spectrum” is OK.
It is not. Back before vaccine and other toxins began to destroy several generations of children, when I started practicing medicine, there was a “natural” background of 1 child in 10,000 who had learning disabilities. Today…
And, for the vast, vast majority of autistic people, it was preventable. It was not in that child’s genetic plans until the genes were damaged. It was not in the blueprint.
Oh, yes, there’s the money thing: if autism becomes a new shade of normal, then no one, not the schools, not the insurance system, not the community, no one, has to pay for services. You do not have special schools for normal. You do not have community programs and special employment for normal. You do not have occupational and speech therapists for normal.
The tragedy is compounded by making America mean again, by making a politically correct lie: being autistic is normal. Allowing toxic crimes against humanity to damage our beloved babies is OK. Cost containment will make everything OK.
The word for his travesty on truth, compassion and science is “Neurodiversity”. If you are not autistic, you are “Neurotypical” and that’s sort of OK, but if you are autistic, you are “Neurodiverse” and that is, they want you to believe, WONDERFUL.
Enter rainbow ribbons and cutesy memes and Sesame Street puppets about how different is really, really good.
Understand, everyone should be assisted, but if there is nothing “wrong”, there is nothing the creators of this plague of autism can be made to fix. Step right up, moms and dads. Bring the kids.
Nothing to see here. Step along. The nice nurse with the syringe is waiting for you at the head of the line.
Vaccines are not safe and autism is not normal. Vaccines are uninsurable risks; vaccination has been declared by courts to be “unavoidably unsafe.”
Click here, now, http://tinyurl.com/vaccinepolicy to demand that the Trump White House honor its commitment to enable a commission to evaluate safety and efficacy of vaccines.
And share this blog, along with the action item as widely as you can: http://drrimatruthreports.com/nothing-normal-about-autism/
This is not politically correct. It is true, though, and it needs to be said and shared.
Send me your comments and the reactions you receive here: releyes3@gmail.com.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
This blog entry is the first in a series; the second is here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/autism-is-hideous-autistic-people-are-not/
PS — Advanced, Natural Medicine is learning how to address autism. Natural Solutions Foundation is bringing together powerful tools to do just that. Please make sure those you know who are struggling with autism know about this; ask them to join our email list so I can let them know when my Addressing Autism ebook is ready.
While you are at it, how about asking your circle of influence to join the discussion at FB:/NaturalSolutionsFoundation and Twitter @DrRimaLaibow and @HealthFreedomUS — and don’t forget the Health Freedom App that you can download from your App Store, just search healthfreedom as one word. http://drrimatruthreports.com/nothing-normal-about-autism/