New Jersey Rallies Against Forced Vaccination

Protest Against A4576 And S2907
Requiring Mandatory Flu Vaccinations
Held At Statehouse in Trenton

Over 1,000 attended a rally today at the NJ State House to protest against bills pending in the state legislature requires students and certain other children to be annually vaccinated for influenza as condition of enrollment at public and private K-12 schools, preschools, child care centers, and institutions of higher education.

Opposition to government mandated vaccination is focusing on the double dangers of mandating Flu Shots while awaiting the promised COVID-19 vaccine which is widely expected to also be mandated by the state legislature when available.  Since all vaccines are acknowledged by our courts as “unavoidably unsafe” the imposition of further vaccine mandates poses further risks of vaccine adverse reactions.  Where there is risk, there must be Informed Consent freedom of choice.

Advance Medical Directive Cards
To Help Assert Refusal of Informed Consent

Read the full article here:

Protest Against A4576 And S2907 Requiring Mandatory Flu Vaccinations Held At Statehouse

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