mRNA Expert Speaks Out on the COVID Crisis

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, expressed his concerns about the spike protein used in COVID-19 vaccines to the FDA last fall, but was dismissed
  • In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection, and in its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and other problems
  • Malone speaks about the bioethics of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted to COVID-19 vaccines; experimentation without proper informed consent violates the Nuremberg Code
  • The concept of the noble lie was first described by Plato; it refers to the notion that, in the case of high-status individuals or designated public leaders, it’s acceptable to lie if the lie is made in the interest of the common good
  • Three lies are being circulated about COVID-19, including the need for herd immunity, the notion that herd immunity can only be achieved by universal vaccination and that the vaccines are completely safe; any discussion that challenges or goes against these three elements is censored
  • Malone believes that children and young adults up to age 30 or 35 should not be vaccinated because the risks outweigh the benefits in this population

When Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,1 spoke out about the risks of COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines in June 2021, he was surprised that the three-hour interview went viral. “It showed there was a huge thirst for information from people all over the world,” he said, speaking with Aga Wilson with Newsvoice.2

The podcast was erased from YouTube, and Malone quickly realized that his message, which he felt morally obliged to share, would not be heard via mainstream media.

“When it became clear to me that I would not be able to speak through mainstream media, I, together with my wife … made a conscious decision to reach out through alternative media and new media, and I’ve learned, from many, many podcasts and podcasters like yourself about the value of this new medium of podcasting,” he told Wilson.3

Experimental Vaccine Violates Bioethics Laws

With Malone’s impressive credentials, his grave concerns about COVID-19 vaccines have made many stop and listen, and people started writing to him about their own problems with censorship and the spectrum of adverse events with the vaccine. It all started, Malone said, with a long conversation with a physician in Canada, who poured his heart out about what he was experiencing in Canada treating patients with COVID-19 and adverse events after vaccination.

He reported them to authorities but was dismissed and told they weren’t related to the injection even though, in his clinical opinion, they were. With the mass vaccination campaign in full effect, Malone was also disturbed that it is considered OK by the government to entice children to get vaccinated by offering them free ice cream or doughnuts, and even allowing children to get vaccinated without their parents’ consent.

He soon ventured into the bioethics of the emergency use authorization (EUA) granted to COVID-19 vaccines. Experimentation without proper informed consent violates the Nuremberg Code,4 which spells out a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation.

This set of principles was developed to ensure the medical horrors discovered during the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II would never take place again, but in the current climate of extreme censorship, people are not being informed about the full risks of the vaccines — which are only beginning to be uncovered.

Further, due to the EUA, adults aren’t required to sign informed consent documents and, at the same time, aren’t being given a full disclosure of the risks that would normally be given during a clinical trial5 — and, at this point, anyone who receives the vaccine is participating as a research subject.

FDA Dismissed Malone’s Vaccine Warning

Through his professional career, Malone has worked closely with the U.S. government for many years. As such, he has kept an open dialogue with colleagues at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, with whom he discussed concerns about adverse events and the spike protein used in COVID-19 vaccines.

In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection, and in its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, Malone said, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”6

Malone is well aware of the actions of spike protein, as he worked to identify an effective drug that worked by blocking the action of the COX-2 enzyme, which is a key inflammatory enzyme. In one of his papers, he laid out how the spike protein and another protein in the virus directly turn on COX-2 promoter in infected cells.

This awareness of the spike protein as a biologically active protein made him alert the FDA about the associated risks last fall. His FDA colleagues transferred his concerns to the FDA’s review branch, which dismissed his concerns, saying they did not believe the spike protein was biologically active and there wasn’t enough documentation otherwise. As history now reveals, they proceeded with the EUA.

It’s since been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.7

Plato’s Noble Lie: Three False ‘Truths’ Being Circulated

The concept of the noble lie was first described by Socrates and Plato.8 It refers to the notion that, in the case of high-status individuals or designated public leaders, it’s acceptable to lie if the lie is made in the interest of the common good.

But in the modern day, in the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic in which government, Big Pharma, media and Big Tech have become integrated, we’re now seeing the noble lie “play out in a way that Plato could never have imagined,” Malone said.

Take Dr. Anthony Fauci — whose expertise has been held as indisputable by mainstream media since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s been caught lying to both the public and the U.S. Senate on a number of issues, but nothing has been done about it.

Malone outlined three main logic elements — each false — that are being propagated as part of the grander noble lie. Any discussion that challenges or goes against these three elements is censored:9

1.Mitigating death and disease from COVID requires herd immunity — This is not true, as it’s possible to reduce death and disease from COVID-19 using medications like ivermectin and many others, including anti-inflammatories.

2.The only way to reach herd immunity is through universal vaccination — This is another lie. As Malone says, “Herd immunity is most often reached through natural infection.” Further, there’s no solid data on whether COVID injections reduce transmissibility, which changes depending on the variant anyway. So the idea that we must reach a certain percentage of herd immunity in the population to end the pandemic “fails the logic test.”

Even the World Health Organization advises people who are vaccinated to continue wearing masks due to the delta variant because “vaccine alone won’t stop community transmission.”10 “Vaccines will not get us to herd immunity,” Malone said.11

3.The vaccines are completely safe — This is another lie, as it’s well known that the vaccines are not completely safe. Malone listed several adverse events that are already raising red flags. Another important point: Censorship prevents full comprehension of these risks.

Cardiotoxicity Coagulation problems
Female reproductive health concerns Miscarriage in the first and second trimesters (this has not yet been confirmed), Thrombocytopenia (dropping blood platelets)
Brain and nervous system disorders Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)

Data Do Not Support Vaccination of Children

Malone believes that children and young adults up to age 30 or 35 should not be vaccinated, noting that the total number of COVID-19 deaths for birth- to 18-year-olds during the entire pandemic is 386.12 Children reap little benefit from this vaccine, not only because they’re at very low risk from COVID-19, but also because, according to Peter Doshi, Ph.D., a significant portion of U.S. children are already immune and aren’t at risk of infection to begin with.

Doshi cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showing an estimated 23% of children under the age of 4 and 42% of those ages 5 through 17 have already had a SARS-CoV-2 infection and now have robust and long-lasting immunity.

The rationale has been that children should be vaccinated in order to protect the elderly, but this only has merit if the vaccine has no toxicity, which isn’t the case with COVID-19 injections, so the justification fails miserably. “We need to carefully think about who gets the benefit from vaccination, and focus vaccination on them,” Malone said.

For people who aren’t at high risk, it’s hard to justify exposing them to risk from a COVID-19 injection. Doshi similarly pointed out that the FDA has no basis on which to grant COVID-19 vaccines emergency use authorization for children in the first place, as COVID-19 is not an emergency in children. The threat this infection poses to children is negligible and no more serious than that of the common cold or flu.

The Power of Podcasts

Malone has been speaking out about the problems of censorship and the fact that physicians and scientists who raise concerns that go against the official narrative can be damaged professionally. He even heard an unsubstantiated report in Spain that a physician who advocates for alternative treatment strategies can be declared mentally incompetent and institutionalized.

“This is profoundly worrying,” he said, “but we’re seeing it all over the world … It’s extremely difficult to speak against this narrative.”13 Malone would know. Just five days after he publicly shared his concerns about the dangers of COVID-19 injections, his name and scientific credentials, including those relating to mRNA vaccines, were removed from Wikipedia.

Through his remaining contacts with the government, Malone is still trying to share this powerful insider information and data with those in positions of power who will listen. He comes from a place of caring and empathy and believes this, not fighting the opposition, is key.

He’s also speaking out via podcasts, which he believes are “extremely valuable” and “represent a threat to the narrative.” Instead of worrying about being deleted from social media or speaking to a reporter who may “cut and splice my words to fit some narrative that they want to impose … podcasts work. They get out to people.”

Malone is privy to the opposition he’s up against, but as a highly ethical physician committed to integrity — and preeminently qualified to speak on this topic — he feels it’s his duty to share the truth. It will take this and many others like him speaking out to counter the false narrative being forced upon us as the truth.

If we give up, we’ll continue down this rabbit hole in which misinformation becomes fact and believing it is the only choice to remain a part of society. This isn’t an option, which is why sharing data and information as Malone is doing is a heroic action that we can all take part in.


2 thoughts on “mRNA Expert Speaks Out on the COVID Crisis

  1. for an inventor who came up with GENE TREATMENTS while using synthetic genetic material implemented in usually final stage of cancer patients, who NOW comes out and speaks abut ‘vaccines’, that is highly alarming.
    Why is he DECEIVING entire populations while calling GENE TREATMENTS, a highly questionable technology, ‘vaccines’? Is it because he is working for military himself? It is great he tries to warn everybody, but it is extremely deceptive to continue FDA crime of redefining meaning of specific words with the consequences of KILLING thousands of humans! It is as if one suddenly gives the word ‘radioactive material’ a new meaning ‘BREAD’. When written on a package with totally unknown ingredients, every NAIVE human would buy the new ‘bread’ and not suspect a single harm, in particular when this new bread is invisible. For this criminal LIE, every single one of these s.c. scientists should pay with their lives for the LOST LIVES.

  2. Thank you Dr. Mercola. I agree that is much censorship going on, and social networks “fact checking” material they don’t agree with, thereby limiting free speech and thought for discussion. It’s clear we don’t have all the answers about this virus or vaccine, and that opens the door for ideas and discussion that should not be limited. And yes, the 3 lies that continue to be circulated should be checked out.

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