Real Nuclear Remediation Technologies Exist but Governments Don’t Want to Hear About Them: Demand a Real Investigation of Nuclear Cleanup Technologies That CAN Work: http://TinyURL.com/FukushimaHope.
“Heavy Water”, a radioactive type of water used in nuclear reactors, is a unique radioactive type of water which is dangerous to living things so it has to be contained carefully.
A major Heavy Water leak has been revealed in an Indian nuclear power plant, ironically almost five years to the day after the Fukushima disaster in Japan put the world on notice about the continuing dangers of nuclear power and the near-impossibility of containing such accidents.
Five years down the road from the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power facility in Japan, another major disaster at a nuclear power plant is under way. And yet another at Indian Point Power Station in Buchanan NY where radioactive water leak is causing a massive cancer cluster. Then there’s Miami FL’s Turkey Point nuclear station and Diablo Canyon and Hanford and….
And how many more nuclear plants are leaking with either no public notice or an active cover up to hide the truth?
In India, the Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) in Gujarat had to be shut down after leakage of Heavy Water was leaking from coolant channel components of the reactor.
Notably, the pressure tubes of the coolant channels in this reactor were switched out with ones made from “improved material” five years ago.
India’s Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has categorically stated that there are no major safety concerns and that the reactor is stable and has been safely shut down. But ongoing questions about the lack of transparency by the people who run India’s nuclear program have some critics saying this could be just the tip of the iceberg.
Just a day after the leak, the former head of the AERB, A. Gopalakrishnan alluded to the possibility that the country’s nuclear power operator, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) and the AERB had relaxed their adherence to a program specifically designed to deal with aging tubes of the kind suspected of causing the leak as a possible backdrop to the incident.
And while the nuclear regulators and the Indian government were quick to say that there is no danger of radiation leakage, and that all the plant’s workers are safe and radiation-free, people closely watching nuclear power in India are understandably on edge–this isn’t the first major leak in recent months. The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, the country’s first nuclear reactor power unit, was briefly shut down recently to fix a leak at the station.
Transparency and accountability are so poor that the date of that leak could not be determined. Officials assured the Indian people and the world that there were “no radiological safety implications” and therefore no need for further study or a safety audit.
Four years ago, yet another Indian nuclear plant found four workers exposed to a “tritium uptake” or nuclear exposure during routine maintenance.
When the people who run these death machines won’t even come clean about the mistakes they’re making with them, how are we supposed to trust them?
It’s been five years since the Fukushima disaster, and nuclear isotopes are washing up on US shores in increasing amounts. Will India be the next source of nuclear calamity? The nuclear reactor down the street from where you live? When will we learn?
When will be compel the Nuclear Industry, world-wide, to develop and use real technologies that can actually clean up the mess once and for all? Take Action Here: http://TinyURL.com/FukushimaHope.